--- Combat Outpost Serenity, Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---
October 30th, 2025
"I don't like this," Rory said as she walks back and forth.
She and the other girls are on the third building next to the American outpost, waiting to be as a backup.
"You said that sixteen times now Rory," Lelei said as she is reading a book, sitting down in a chair.
She looks over to her blue hair friend. Lelei is reading some book but she has noticed she only read five pages for the past thirty minutes. "I don't care. I don't like it. I sense Palapon all over this. Since when he learned that bastard General is here, he has lost it."
"Be nice Rory. He is under a lot of pressure. He is just trying to do his job," Lelei said.
"Pressure under who? No one asked him to come up with this crazy plan of his. Why does he feel like he has to face him?" She said.
"You already know why Rory. You said it five minutes ago," Lelei said back.
She glares at Lelei for a moment but knows she is right. All of their theory is that Sharpe is starting to inflate this with his previous issues with that Drug Cartel King(1). The one who slaughtered his men and that one family like animals. Lelei and her have decided that this is all that is about, that he never moved on from that loss.
As she walks back and forth, she just feels flustered on what is going on. Being pushed to the sideline to act as a backup, away from his side.
"I do not understand. The blame seems to be good. Look at that Imperils did with my people. Used as a lure," Tuka said.
She looks to her and sees that she is preparing her bow. "It is Imperialists. And you need to understand something Tuka, it is our job to make sure he does not get himself killed. You see, he puts himself in danger all the time to achieve his goals."
Lelei closes her book and looks up. "Wasn't he the one who saved you two or three times now?"
Rory looks to her, remembering Italica, Sadera, and the village with the Minotaur. "That is my point. He is going to get himself killed."
"I hate to agree but Rory is correct. He is a man, after all, doing things without considering their own wellbeing," Lelei points out.
"Exactly," She said.
"I don't understand. You two are always so positive and supportive. What has changed?" Tuka asked.
"It's complicated Tuka," Lelei said.
"Yup," She said.
She then explains what happened in Mexico with Sharpe and his old unit to Tuka, so she understands the context. Explaining how that shaped the man they see today and why he goes to extreme lengths to protect his team and people in general. She also explains much weight that places on his heart.
"As you see, he is overcompensating. He thinks we will get hurt so he puts himself in danger," She said.
"Ok, that makes more sense. So, what, are we just going to sit here?" Tuka asked.
She takes a deep breath, annoyed by this. She is not angry but worried. She has found a man that she wants to support and protect. But no matter how hard she tries it seems Palapon presence continues to come back. "Why can't he just move on."
She looks over to Lelei.
Lelei is sitting there, not looking at her staff. While Lelei is acting in her normal self, she can tell that she is also worried.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...