--- Italica Palace ---
July 13th, 2025
When the current military convoy arrived at Italica, Ambassador Harland Willington went straight to the palace to see Countess Myui. It has been a while since Willington been here, his duties here in Uros so far have been surprisingly far busier than he expected.
Unlike the last time he was here, he now can feel a change in the air here, both good and bad taste. From the reports from Diplomatic Outpost Alpha, the crime rate as skyrocketed. A developing underground crime network is taking place, just like in Akusho. So many of their soldiers were sent to invade our world and sensually died for nothing. The Siege of Italica(1) seemed to have been the nail in the coffin in maintaining their version of a police force. Kidnappings, rapes, theft, drugs and more seem to be becoming the norm here.
On the other hand, the report has also stated from the diplomatic staff and the Marine guards here that the population has been very friendly with them, the noncriminal ones that are.
While the patrol teams we have on the highways are limited to the highways themselves, they have helped stabilize what is left of the economy. Many are happy we have been returning Italician prisoners and some basic foodstuff.
What has been more surprising is that many of the local citizens seem interested in change. The slave auction sits have been slowly relocated and limited. More by the mob then law but still, progress. It seems the people are tired of the current situation and evaluating their beliefs.
Willington is sitting in the lounge of the palace, waiting for the Countess. The lounge is pretty fancy looking, nothing like the throne room in Sadera but still well maintained.
That is when this older woman in a maid outfit came in. If he recalls, he believes her name is Kaine.
"Hello Ambassador, it is nice to meet you again," Kaine said. "I am here to introduce Countess Myui Colt." She then steps away to allow the Countess to walk in.
Willington sees this young lady walk in. She is wearing this very colorful rob with this purple cap on.
Myui walks up to Willington. "It is nice to meet you again. I am sorry for the current situation within the city. It has been... hard to maintain proper order."
Willington nods his head. "No need to apologize, I fully understand that situation. I hope my people have not caused any trouble for you."
"No, no. They have been great. The criminals mainly stay away from them. They fear your power and know you will not intervene if they leave you alone. And everyone else still respects what your people have done," Myui said in a slightly tired voice.
Willington notices. She must be about eleven years old, give or take a year. It must be hard for someone this young to maintain a city-state like this.
Myui takes a small breath and smiles, recomposing herself. "I am ready to see my father."
Willington stands up. He nods his head. "He is outside. I will take you to him."
During the clean up after the battle, the United States government recorded everything they could of the enemy. Everything needed to be documented as much as possible during the cleaning up. Later, they found Myui father among the dead. He looked like an important leader, so his body was taken with care. At the time we did not know but now we have a picture to compare, he knew we had his body.
Myui nods her head and follows him out of her palace and into the small courtyard. Once outside she sees a few of what remains of her guard and a few of the American soldiers. It is funny, the first time these Other Worlders arrived she was very scared of them. Now, she feels no fear or negative feelings towards them.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...