V07 - Chapter 71 Christman

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"Lieutenant General Charles Stanford has called off Operation Roundball and ordered all NATO forces out of the valley and return back to Deabis starting point. He deemed going around the Dumas Mountains to threaten Sadera to be out of reach for NATO forces right now.

With the NATO defeat at the Battle of Podet Lake, and the deterioration of the Roma Highway, NATO forces are unable to progress, removing all advantages they had going into this campaign. The goal was to employ 'Shock and Aw" tactics against the Empire however because this farm region is surrounded by three different mountain ranges, this farming valley becomes somewhat of a lake of mud. This has preventing armored forces to move through the valley with the speed needed to attack the enemy, forcing Infantry to march on foot the long distances to their objectives.

Aviation units are assisting in moving troops around however they are over stretched as NATO Aviation are currently overwhelmed with demand. The US Army and Air Force is addressing the solution by building three more Aviation bases as part of the buildup. This is a long-term solution and does nothing to address the current situation.

On August 24th, 1st battalion from the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division officially left the city of Marais. They were the last NATO troops to leave the city, officially surrendering the city back to the Empire. Most of the population celebrated the NATO withdraw however, some of the population requested to come with the 79th, mainly slaves, demi-Humans, with some humans. Most of them are from the lower end of society. All were granted asylum and allowed to come to Alnus. This sparked outrage by the nobles, seeing their slaves being stolen from them. This resulted in a minor skirmish however the short riot was ended quickly.

The 1st Battalion will join the Australian 7th Brigade at Filisville. The farming town is key to connect Alnus Hill with the Elbe Fiefdom. Now that the 1st Armored Division is no longer thrusting east to cover the 10th Mountain flank, they will be pushing to Roroish Forest, the gap between the heart of the Tube Mountains and west point of the Beza Mountains. The Imperial Army is moving forces to that pass to prevent Elbe and NATO forces from merging and working together.

With the failure to take this valley, the Empire is free to move its forces and assault the east of Elbe and feed its army. NATO needs to take this pass so they can build an airfield to assist Elbe.

With the Greater Elies Campaign heating up, putting up far bigger resistance then expected, eighty percent of NATO resources are being focused to that theater. Lieutenant General Stanford saw the potential of Operation Roundball however Alnus Command underestimated the environment, climate, and resources that were need for the operation." – National Interest


--- Greater Elies Region, outskirts of Legrath ---

August 25th, 2025

As Private First-Class Natalia Christman lays on the ground, holding her face after a hard hit to the head. She looks around as her vision gets better. Her mind is racing, trying to figure out what just happened.

One moment she and her buddy were keeping over watch. She noticed this straight light and fell asleep right after. When the short nap felt resting, she awaked from being dropped hard onto the ground. Arms and legs bounded.

"No!" A man's voice can be heard as he yells, right before it suddenly goes quiet.

Christman slowly moves to the left and sees this man pulling this sword out of the ground. Looking down, she sees her fireteam leader, Sergeant Miller. She sees the blood coming out of the two arrow holes around his body and from the neck, where the sword was stabbed through.

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