V09 - Chapter 108 Battle of Legrath

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--- Fortress Legrath ---

December 13th, 2025

Outside this underground chamber, all the Empire soldiers hear the loud explosions from the other Worlders war engines. It seems that the enemy invaders have underestimated the defense of this fortress.

While he does not know what is happening outside, he understands his responsibility right now.

Herm gave him the responsibility to lead a two thousand Legendries into the enemy formation.

He turns around and sees his men. Most of them are from other units that have been destroyed during the Elies Campaign. While most are Humans, many of their armored Minotaur's, many mercury Volradens mixed in and a few other races. He looks into the eyes and notices an interesting sight.

While most of them seem ready to dive into battle like a true Imperial warrior. Many seem relenting, which is a sight he is not used to. Even during the darkest days of the Empire, the Imperial Army has a long tradition of standing tall.

He wonders if their morale was ruined about the recent Krysist and Muilk rebellion. To regain order and allegiance, General Herm had to crucified anyone who did not kneel and show loyalty to the Empire. Basically, anyone who was loyal or expressed loyalty to the rebel Krysist. Everyone should be happy that the proper order has been reestablished.

"Men," The Saderian Centurian yells, holding up his sword. "Listen to me."

He looks around as everyone starts looking at him.

Fortress Legrath is built inside a massive hill which means most of its constructions and buildings are built inside the fortress. He can see the dwarf's contractors walk around, making sure the wooden and stone walls and ceiling hold up the dirt and working the ceiling gate.

Seeing that all eyes are on him. "We are about to charge against the enemy. Our mission is to kill their first advance force while our engineers take them out with the Lithobolos(1) and Heavy Ballista's."

He then hears this massive roar from one of the giant wild Minotaur's as it gets loaded up into the chamber.

"I know you all have been through a lot in recent weeks. Your fort Legatus and the banish General abused your loyalty and..." As he speaks, he looks around, seeing many of his troops disgruntled. He even sees a small fight breaking about between two camps. It seems Herm failed to purge all of Krysist loyalists.

"Legion!" He yells, knowing that is what Krysist yells to rally the troops. To his surprise, he only got moderate results.

"We are going to attack those bastards and feed Emroy belly with their souls. These people have attacked your lands and stripped your wealth and honor. Fight for the Empire and for your glory. Always remember, Idos is on our side." He yells at the top of his lunges.

He then gets off the box he was standing on and walks through the troops, encouraging them.

As he walks, he hears the above doors opening. He stops and looks up as these trolls pulling these large chains. Five doors open leading to outside the fortress.

This is a small section that leads outside the fortress wall to allow a quick strike force to conduct a surprise counterattack. It is designed this way so this section floods after the soldiers leave, so no one can use it to sneak under the wall.

He looks to his left and sees the three-monster size Minotaur's. Unlike their humanoid versions, the monster ones are extremely dumb. They only respond to their basic instincts of food, fight, and mating. However, they are one of the strongest beasts in Falmart and properly focused, they can be deadly.

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