V13 - Chapter 161 Building Tomorrow Future

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--- Alnus Community ---

"Why do they call it the Alnus Community?" President Emily Potts asks as she walks around the civilian part of Alnus.

"It is just what the first group of refugees called it when they arrived," General Charles Stanford said. "The main part was the military base, and in the beginning, there were only two hundred civilians here, restarting their lives."

"Only two hundred?" she asks, shocked by that small number. "I remember the reports now. Feels so long ago. How many civilians are there now?"

"Latest report says over five thousand," Stanford answers.

She nods, impressed by the answer.

As they walk, she takes a good look around the town. Most of the buildings are wooden, sticking with the traditional styles of Falmart. However, she sees many modern technologies on the buildings. Some buildings only being a few floors tall while others are five.

On the roofs she sees solar panels, some small-scale wind turbines. The gutter system is designed to drain the water to pipes which goes to a water processing center to make it drinkable. She sees digital signs like cloaks, new boards and directions, everything someone would expect in a modern city.

"I am glad to see where US tax dollars are going to," she comments.

"Because of the limitations of the Gate we've been trying to remain as self-efficient as possible," Stanford replies. "After the quake we took the opportunity to redesign the city and make it more stable and better to expand."

"That is good," she said. "I hate to get another report like that. But I have to admit this place is a lot cleaner than the reports claimed."

One of the first places she visited was the Alnus Market. She was expecting a wet market where there was animal blood and guts all over the place, animals' parts being hung and so on. But what she saw reminded her of a farmer's market. Everything is organized, the meats are in a sterile environment and in some form of ice or refrigerated machine.

She then saw the other major sectors of the town. She got to see the other major areas like the residential sector, the Clothes Washing area plus the two bathing and toiletries areas.

"I see the domestic area of the town," she asks. "How is the industry area developing? I know the corporate campus is mostly constructed."

"Getting there," Stanford responds. "The companies are starting to recruit talent for apprentice programs. As directed, we helped to sponsor a few small companies here in Alnus. They are going to be making new hand tools, printing presses and a few other basic tools we need."

"Good," she replies. "Sooner we get this place going the sooner we can start making a return. This war is not cheap."

As she walks, she then sees this well armed group passing by. There is an AMP walking along them, like he is escorting them.

She heard of a group like this, the Adventurers. They are some primitive form of law enforcement mercenaries on Falmart.

"Why hello there," she says. "I assume you are the Adventurers?"

"Finally, some respect" one of them says.

She was surprised to hear that tone. "Pardon me?"

"Madam President," Stanford said. "Might want to be careful. We had mixed results with the Adventurers."

She notices her Secret Service group walk forwards to block the Adventurers, but she stops them. "I like to speak with them. Maybe I can smooth some things over."

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