V09 - Chapter 96 Rescue at Fort Legrath

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--- Fort Legrath ---

November 26th, 2025

Sharpe, Rory, Lelei, and Tuka ends up in this room at the fortress.

The first sight he sees is blue energy disappearing around him. Little blue energy bubbles all around them as the spell cancels out.

Right then he rushes forward and lands on his hands and knees. He leans forward and throws up. His stomach feels all twisted and blotted, like eating something spoiled.

"Oh... what the... Oh!" He says as he tosses up again.

"Are you ok Jackson?" Rory asks, poking his back.

"Why is he throwing up?" Tuka asks, leaning over watching.

Lelei, looking over the other side, looking down. "Maybe their bodies can't handle magic like ours can."

"That makes no sense," Tuka comments.

"Well, I read it in one of their books. Your body adjusts and changes to your environment. Since they have not had magic on their world for thousands of years, maybe their bodies do not remember the feeling," Lelei explains her theory.

Rory grabs him by the shoulders and helps him sit down. "Are you going to be ok?"

That was an understatement. He has done HALO jumps before and thrown up once landed but this was a far different experience. Listening to Lelei theory, he assumes native bodies built some natural resistance towards whatever magic radiation is.

He blinks a bit, feeling exhausted for some reason. "Yeah... water. And... secure area." He says as his body adjusts itself.

"Yes, sir," Rory says and looks to the others. "Lelei, see where we are out. Tuka, see if there any bad guys around."

As he regains good vision, he sees Rory grabs his bottle water and helps him drink it.

"You are pushing yourself too hard. This is the third major fight in weeks. Now you have a cut on your back," Rory says.

He drinks the water and sees his body regain strength. After drinking, he rubs his mouth dry with his sleeve. "I had worst Rory."

"Your such an idiot," Rory response, glaring at him. Clearly upset how much he pushes himself. Deep down inside though, it is one of the reasons why she follows and loves him.

He looks past her as she helps him up. "I am ok. Just need a second."

He has found Lelei's insight and point of view particularly useful at times. Impressed how she came to that conclusions, however, how true that might be will have to be figured out later. He knows Rory is right however, there is worked to do.

"We are safe for now. I do not see anyone in the nearby halls. I am going to go check the window," Tuka says.

Lelei is walking around the room, checking out objects. "I think we are in Frayen quarters. All of this looks magical." She then walks over to this bookshelf. "Wow... they look old."

"Book report later Lelei. We have a job to do." He tells her, not wanting her to get lost in her interests.

He reaches down to his vest and grabs his radio. "This is Vanguard-Lead... hello, this is Vanguard-Lead." He looks at his equipment and sees that nothing works. He pulls out his phone and sees if it's ok, but nothing happens.

He realizes that all his electronic equipment no longer works, which means there is no way for him to contact base or the 82nd recon units outside the fortress. The intense energy from the teleportation must have fried everything.

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