--- Outside Fortress Legreath, FOB ---
December 22nd, 2025
"This is an inclusive report from SCNR News. This is Jessica Moore reporting from the frontlines of the Elies Region. All around us you see Coalitional forces securing the area and beginning the occupation of the fortress."
"As you see to the left, there is a prison hold for the Empire troops who surrendered after the fortress was taken. While the military has yet to release the enemy strength number, about five hundred prisoners are currently being held so far. They will be shipped to the Ohio Special Detention Facility which is guarded by the 28th Infantry Division Ohio National Guard and Homeland Security."
"However not all of the enemy forces took up arms against NATO forces during the attack. During the assault, Special Forces met up with defectors and helped turn the tide against the Empire during the assault, allowing our forces to secure the fortress far faster than expected. With their help and understanding of the fortress, they were able to clear out sections far quicker and more efficiently. Preventing our troops from getting trapped within the facility. While there still believed to be hold outs throughout the fortress, Lieutenant General Charles Stanford has declared the battle over with NATO being the victor."
"With that, one of the remaining leaders who defected, called the Guardian of Legrath, is officially surrendering. Please follow me and we will give you an inclusive look at the ceremony."
Both she and the Cameraman walk forward to this large tent. As they move, soldiers and vehicles are moving everywhere.
"Inside the tent, there is this Pink woman identified as part of the Siren race standing there. She is facing Lieutenant General Charles Stanford, leader of the NATO Expedition Force. By his side are the other major Allied leaders in this campaign. Major Brigade General Armel Vernier, Major Brigade General Mason Arthur, Italian Brigade General Danio Agrusa and Japanese Brigade General Kōichirō Hazama."
"As we see, the Guardian is handing over this small orb. From what we understand this orb is what the locals call the Heart of Legrath."
"From what we currently understand, the fortress started as a small outpost about five hundred years ago and grew into one of the largest fortifications in Falmart and Earth history, excluding the Great Wall of China. It has a long history of repelling invaders from nearby regions. This was the main base of operation for the Empire in this region and... wait..."
"It looks like the Guardian is handing over the orb to the Lieutenant General."
The camera shows the Pink Siren handing over the orb to Stanford. Then the Siren woman knees in front up Stanford. However, he stops her and gives her a salute. The Siren notices this and returns the salute with a salute.
Once the ceremony is complete, they all look to the fortress. The camera pans to that direction and up at the center tall main tower. On top of it is this long pol sticking up high in the sky. The sounds of drums and trumpets can be heard in the background, playing the Star-Spangled Banner.
On the tower, the cameraman sees movement. Moments later this large flag in unfolded and a massive American Flag is released, symbolizing the taken over of the fortress. As the flag unleashes, it extends out and begins flapping out in the wind.
In the background, the sound of movements goes quiet. Cheers and vehicle honks can be heard as they celebrate the landing of the flag.
"From reports, this flag was a special request for this event. Because of the size of Legrath, it is considered tone of the largest flags commissioned, compared to the one in Tacoma, Washington."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...