"Today we talked to the head US Army Engineer Lieutenant Colonel Taylor Brady who is leading the Alnus Energy project. He said one of the major priorities since construction of the fort was to make it as self-sufficient as possible.
To that end the military was relied on local food shipments to help ease the logistics strains that are created by the limited size of the Gate.
Of course, a major issue has been energy. While all the buildings have solar panels and wind turbines to help power Fort Alnus and the other facilities in the region that has not been able to offset the growing demands and size of NATO presence.
Lieutenant Colonel Brady has said the final approval to construct the next generation NuScale Power nuclear reactors from NuScale Power at Fort Alnus. The current plan is for six reactors and they will be able to provide all the energy needs and extra for the growing size of the Alnus Community.
Besides solar and fuel base generators, the base is powered by modular reactors to help offset the increase energy needs. Military leaders say this will allow them to expand their military presence and help increase efficient as the war demands continue to grow.
To our Alnus natives, a nuclear plant split what is called an atom into heat water that creates steam. The steam then turns a turbine to generate electricity. It takes sophisticated equipment and a highly trained workforce to make it happen, but it is that simple. We will be having a special about the details in a later broadcast in an inclusive interview." – Free Alnus Radio
--- Kingdom of Alguna, South of Piertor ---
January 13th, 2026
First Lieutenant Charles Johnson looks around. This is his first mission in command of Vanguard-2. His other nine Rangers are formed up firing into an oncoming horde of Goblins.
When they got to Galuoa, the capital of Alguna, they said they needed help clearing out the remaining Alguna breeding hordes by Piertor.
Prince Iolk Elbe and Princess Rigus Claymen requested help in clearing out what remains of their hordes. Long ago Alguna was able to tame and breed their own small Dark Race army of Goblins, Trolls, and Ogres. This allowed them to build armies quickly when they needed, being a power in the region even though they were a small Kingdom(1).
After their main army was destroyed during the Second Battle of Alnus, a Dar murdered Rigus' uncle, then took power and convinced her to start a war against the Elbe Fiefdom. The Alguna Campaign was short, only lasting a few weeks and it resulted in the annihilation of the Alguna Horde Army(2).
When Princess Rigus surrendered, she had to end all Goblin breeding programs and become a vassal under King Duran. She married Duran's youngest son Iolk and they have been rebuilding the Kingdom into a reliable ally to NATO and Elbe.
While most of the Kingdom successfully purged the Goblin camps, there are still some hiding in the nearby forest conducting raids. While Johnson is at Alguna, he was ordered to assist local forces.
He looks around and sees his Rangers huddle around his three JLTVs. They are all firing into the forests, just as planned.
He looks up and sees Sergeant Oka Masaru as he fires the M2 Browning .50, cutting down a troll. Sergeant First Class Jamal Samaha is walking past everyone and directing their fire, so they do not get flanked.
He fires his rifle as he sees this goblin jumps off this large boulder as it tries to fly past them. With a burst, the Goblin dies and hits the tree it was heading.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...