V05 - Chapter 56 Reflection RM

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--- Nadris Expedition force camp, somewhere in the northern parts of the Elias Region, far south of Rondel ---

July 20th, 2025

Lord Lashin walks around his tent thinking on what he should do next. Two of his scouts have recently reported back to him about Princess Selina's where about(1). They saw her in Italica alone, well until this strange knight helped her.

For just over a decade he has been trying to gain vengeance for what King Juleas of Edras, the ex-leader of the Edras Kingdom had done. He was a Crown Prince at the time but still; he murdered my wife and two children in one of the raids. That man took everything important from him.

He even switched gods to help his chances of getting justices. His people worship the god of Wareharun, the goddess of trees and the forest. The Nadris people or otherwise known as the Northern Wooden Elves by the lesser races, consider themselves as the protector of the forests and are willing to slay anyone who dares define their god.

However, Wareharun is going to be no help for his life mission. After years of failed attempts in trying to kill King Juleas, something had to change.

That is when Lashin decided that he had to switch gods so he could gain enough support to complete his task. He hopes that Palapon, the god of revenge would be able to grant him the power necessary to finally claim justice.

And then over a year ago, those fucking Humans of that god's forsaken kingdom murdered their king and most of the royal family. As part of some arrangement with the Empire, they turned on their leader and killed them. Edrans and their power-hungry cults.

Hearing that news infuriated Lashin. Years of work and commitments, switching gods and killing hundreds of Humans in trying to kill that man just suddenly gone. Justice was suddenly disappeared not now, how can he take revenge? Palapon demands payment otherwise Lashin's soul will not be free.

It was only a few months after that is when he learned that one of that bloodlines has survived. The second daughter of King Juleas, Princess Selina. The new leaders of the Edras Kingdom gave her away to some of the Empire mercenaries, to be a gift to Crown Prince Zorzal, to become his new fuck toy.

Based on reputation, Crown Prince Zorzal is not pleasant in bed. A known idiot but also a brute, an extremely dangerous combination. However, Lashin does not consider that faith to be harsh enough for that bloodline. Nor does this help him please his new god. The only way for vengeance is for her to die by his hand. To be tortured for weeks and then finally end it by fire. Even then, that is not enough.

As Lashin walks around his tent, the anger that has been building up in him and so he flips over his table to release it. "God damn these fucking Humans! How do they always fuck everything up? Those short life bastards!" He said in much anger.

With the approval of the other Wood Elf lords, he took his most loyal and skilled elves from his clan to kidnap Selina from Zorzal. They all knew raiding Sadera, the capital of the Empire would be hard however, they all knew how important it is to finally end Juleas bloodline.

This recent news complicates his plans. It is now clear that she never made it to Sadera and she is now wandering around the region. It is good that they do not have to assault Sadera however now the size of their search went from a city to the center of the continent.

His scouts said she had some help from someone in Italica. Has she allied with the city or was it just a random encounter? Is she alone or with a party now? Is she even still in Italica and if not then where?

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