--- Elies Forest ---
May 23rd, 2025
Out of the thirty Imperialists that were at the camp, only three of them remained alive. Everyone else that was at the camp is either dead or ran away during the firefight. The fight only lasted about seven minutes and the Rangers destroyed the Empire convoy. The three that remained were arrested and place by the side as they search for any useful intelligence within the camp.
Because some of the enemy soldiers did escape, Sharpe ordered Johnson and two other Rangers to secure the perimeter and prevent a counterattack. Once and a while you hear a few gunshots in the distance, Johnson team engaging the rouges.
As everyone else either secures the area or searches the camp for information, he is on the radio again, giving Alnus Command an update. "Lieutenant Colonel, three prisoners. Two Human and one Dwarf."
"Your job isn't gathering prisoners Major. It is to find our boy. You are taking way too long Major." Lieutenant Colonel Kasen says with an annoyed tone. "Should I have to find someone else?"
"...No sir. We will get him home," he says in a calm voice.
"Good," Kasen says. "I don't understand what the problem is. They couldn't get that far on horses."
"Sir, even on horses, we have a massive area to look without any assist. If the Air Force gets off their lazy..." he says, protesting a little.
"Don't give me excuses Major. I don't care if the Air Force is taking their sweet time setting up. Get it done. Over and out." Lieutenant Colonel Kasen says as the radio goes out.
"Roger," Then the conversation ends. "Jackass," he mumbles to himself, frustrated by the conversation.
He has not worked with Kasen for long; he only recently being posted to Alnus. But he is beginning to see that Kasen is one of those leaders that prefer lead from behind type of officer. Since the number of troops being committed to the region, Lieutenant General Stanford decided to place a higher-ranking officer in command of the operation.
That is when Alicia walks over. "Sir, the other teams have reported in. Peterson platoon has broken through the Rigrent River, only light resistance. They are heading north on Gagus Highway However, the Vanguard-3 lead ran into a dead end. He is requesting new orders.
He is glad to hear some good news. He just wishes he head this five minutes ago.
"Alright. Tell them to rendezvous here," he says to her. He then looks to the three prisoners and thinks. Before Alicia walks away, he looks back at her. "Alicia, where is Lelei?"
Alica stops and turns around. "Ahh, over there I think, by those wagons."
He nods and then walks towards that direction. As he walks in that direction, he steps over the few bodies and small pools of blood and mud.
He then sees Lelei looking through a wagon. She sticks her head up after hearing a gunshot in the distance. "I think they are enjoying themselves.... Oh hi, Major Sharpe." She says after seeing him walk up.
"Yes, they are but if they stop a counterattack, I am fine with it," he comments.
"Hello there. I think your right about that but as long we're not attacked, I am fine with it," he says to her, ignoring the random sounds of gunfire in the distance.
He notices that she is ignoring the sounds of gunfire to, far better then he expected from a native civilian. Especially for a sixteen-year-old. "You seem to be doing fine."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...