--- Combat Outpost Serenity, Havcristen, The Greater Elies Region ---
November 1st, 2025
Sharpe stands there and watches Princess Pina walk away.
He cannot believe what just happened. He notices everyone around, his Vanguard team, other Vanguard teams, and other soldiers from the 1st Cav and 101st Airborne Divisions saw that.
In pure reaction, he looks down at Rory, Lelei, and Tuka to see their reaction. While they are not fawn of the Princess or the Empire, he can see in their eyes that they didn't disagree with her, but they fully agreed.
"Sharpe, she is right. That is why we all fallen in love with yeah," Rory bluntly said.
"You never let others sway your values before Major. What I liked about you the most is how you are always confident in what you do. When you speak, there is never any hint of doubt and I can always rely on what you say," Lelei adds with a smile.
"Yeah, I am still new here, but you didn't have to do what you did for my people," Tuka said.
"Never thought that hot air would leak out boss," Private First-Class Alicia Moore said as she and the other Vanguard-7 come around.
He notices his team pops up.
"We all been through a lot, sir. Many of us probably would be dead by now if it weren't you keeping an eye on us." Scott Marvin said.
"Look, there is a lot of things that we wouldn't be doing. We probably never would have helped or brought those Alnus refugees." Corporal Andrew Steele points out.
"Or kick those Imperial bandit asses in Italica. Now we get a free beer there for life for saving them." Scott Marvin said in a cocky voice. After saying that, he gets a hit in the head by both Rory and Alicia.
"Yup. And remember what you said to that Navy Seal Lieutenant Commander? Based on an Imperialist Civi, you defied orders and get off to rescue another one of our people. We all followed your boss because, that was the right thing." Alicia Moore said.
He sits back down after taking a glance at everyone. He then investigates that fire that Tuka started. He then starts to think about all the examples they all brought up.
He then thinks about his old mentor Harbor always said. 'You are what you need to be'.
He looks into the fire and thinks. He makes sure he has his Colt M1911 and stands up.
"Everyone stands down. We have a strict order not to do anything and I don't want anyone court marshaled," He said.
When he said that he sees some dread in their eyes, thinking they did not get through to him.
"Understood?" He said again in his commanding tone.
"Yes sir," Rory said, moving her hand in a not approving way.
"Good." He said. "Now I will be back."
After saying that he walks off.
Rory watches Sharpe walk away, confused, and concerned about what he is going to do.
"Ahh, Jackson! What are you doing?" She asked, genuinely concern about his wellbeing.
Sharpe turns around with a serious face. "I am getting my logistical officer back. I am not going to do all of this paperwork."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...