V02 - Chapter 19: Siege of Italica RM

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--- Above Romas Highway ---

May 10th, 2025

Colonel Thomas Anderson is in his UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. He is leading a company size unit of airborne infantry with three AH-64 Apache escorting the two CH-47 Chinook and other Blackhawks carrying the rest of the company.

The sun has just risen, which allows them to see the city that is under attack. One of the escorts saw a massive beast that is identified as a 'troll' charging towards the city wall.

"Target destroyed," One of the female Apache pilots said over the radio.

He grabs his radio. "Alright everyone, target all contacts outside the wall and clear the area, once complete, proceed to land, and begin cleanup operations. First and second platoon land outside, third platoon, retake the wall and secure the city."

Everyone acknowledges the orders, and they all begin to fly over the engagement zone.

"Alright boys, there are a bunch of them," One of the Apache pilots said over the radio. All three of them begin forming up around the ground force. "Alright, light them up."

The three Apaches opens fire at the bandits down below that are outside the wall. The helicopters begin firing their anti-personnel Hydra-70 missiles and their 30mm chain gun into the enemy ground forces. The other helicopters are providing support fire as the soldiers inside are firing down on the bandits.

As the missiles hit their targets, explosions begin to appear all over the battlefield as the attack helicopters do their strafing runs.

The Apache, the United States' main attack helicopter, the king of the helicopters. It has been the workhorse and one of the most feared weapons of war. Just one of these could kill hundreds back on Earth. And today, these bandits are learning that same lesson.

His task force begins raining hell down on the enemy with their superior firepower. He looks to his left and sees his Black Hawk providing support fire on the wall, protecting two of the Rangers that seem to be pinned down.

"Angel three, do you see those five bandits," He said over the radio.

"Roger that, we got contacts on the wall going after that AA battery. Take it out." One of the Apaches said.

He then sees one of the Apaches fly over to it. These bandits are trying to load what looks like a spear into what seems to be a ballista.

One of the Apaches flies over to it and then fires on one of its missiles at it, obliterating the ballista and all the men around it.

He sees this bright light out of the corner of his eye. He sees a lightning bolt coming from the ground, most likely one of the mages he has read reports about.

"Be advised, we have a magic-user shooting lighting from the ground," A pilot said.

"I see that," he said. "Take it out."

"Roger that," a female Apache pilot said. "Ma'am making fried chicken tonight boys"

He sees Angel-2 fly over, dodging an Ice Spear magic attack.

The Apache fires a Hellfire missile at the magic-user position, killing him and the surrounding warriors.

Once the threat is gone and seeing the ground forces unable to fight against their helicopters, he starts to see the enemy retreating.

"Alright, begin phase two, begin to clean up."


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