--- Christmas Day ---
December 5th, 2025(1)
Selina wakes up slowly and rubs her eyes. She looks around and finds that she is in her new bedroom.
The last thing she remembers is them all watching that Santa movie with those talking animals. There was this one deer with a red noise that glows.
She saw how he was banished from his home but returns as a hero. When watching that, she felt like that might be her one day. Her people might hate her now but maybe one day she might become a hero for them.
She looks around her room, still mostly empty.
Feeling a little scared being alone in a new place, she gets out of bed and notice she is in her blue strap nightgown.
She looks to the right and sees that bear her new father gave her. She grabs it and walks out of her room.
Unlike in Alnus, where their military moving around day and night. This place seems much quieter. A silence she is not used to.
She heads downstairs, remembering that Sharpe said his room down below. Once she gets down there, she sees Sharpe sleeping on the couch.
She walks over and giggles at the sight. This is not the first time she has seen him sleeping on a couch. He is snoring like he always does. She had to get used to sleeping with that loud noise he makes.
She smiles as she gets an evil idea. She holds onto her bear tightly with one arm and with her other hand, she pinches his nose closed.
She sees his mouth open as she pinch's his noises. He just starts to snore louder.
She giggles at that. "Morning father!"
"Hmm... what? What time is it?" Sharpe mumbles.
"I don't know." She replies.
She looks away to see what time it is. As she turns, she catches something different under the tree.
She closes her eyes and opens it, making sure she was not seeing anything. She sees six more presents under the tree.
With the sight, she jumps and lands on Sharpe.
"Ouch... what the. Selina?" Sharpe says, reacting to her landing on him.
She gets up and sits on her knees. She looks down at him and grabs his shirt. "What are those? Did we miss some yesterday?"
He shakes his head and looks at her. He then looks to the tree and then looks back at her. "No, we did everything last night."
That is what she thought. That means the only other reason must be that story about Santa Noriko said.
"I thought Santa was not real?" She says, fully awake now.
"Well... he is a legend. No one ever has seen him before. Only his clues. Why?" Sharpe says as he yawns.
"There are more presents down there. Did you put them there?" She says as she lowers her head, getting right into him. Staring right into his eyes, demanding the truth.
He blinks as he sees her that close. "No, I didn't. I already got you all the stuff. Why would I do it again?" He finishes with another yawn.
She sits upon him and thinks. She then looks back to the presents.
She then jumps off him and gets on her knees, looking at the presents. "This one says for Tuka, by Santa."
Her eyes widen at the sight. The writing is not his sloppy writing. "It is true! It is not a legend!"

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...