--- Fort Alnus, Alnus Command ---
May 9th, 2025
A few hours later at the Command Center of Fort Alnus of the NATO Expeditionary Force.
Lieutenant General Stanford is sitting in his chair that is in his staff meeting room.
He is not alone, there being three other officers in this meeting, Colonel Thomas Anderson of the 101st Airborne, and Colonel Harold Kurt of the 1st Cavalry. They oversee their respected rapid response forces. The other is Colonel John Yang, the head of the Ranger Vanguard teams.
The man he wants is Kurt's sister brigade, Colonel Robert from the 1st Cav but Robert forces are busy engaging the enemy to the west. Robert is an aggressive but cool-headed commander, and he can trust him to resolve the situation and make a message. Recalling him is not possible though.
That is not to say the officers here are not up to the task, but this mission has some urgency.
Anderson is the head of our airborne forces, all units from the 101st Air Assault Division. He can currently field a full infantry company and close air support with his helicopters wherever our field teams need it. He is a level head Colonel, prefers seeing the big picture, and is careful to use his forces.
Kurt from the 1st Cavalry Division on the other hand has been itching to get into the fight. His aggressiveness is a good thing but in this unknown alien world, it also could become a curse. The current strategy is to wage a limited scale war, focusing our attacks.
Yang was part of the second wave during the Battle of Aluns Hill(1), his Rangers helped achieve the great success in taking the hill. It was his idea to divide his Rangers into recon teams and begin exploring this world. Besides sending basic soldiers out there, have highly trained soldiers that can adapt to 'any' situation.
"As you all already know, we got an SOS from Vanguard-7. Their mission is in the memo that was sent out, read it if you have not. The basic point is that they say they are under siege at the city called Italica and are requesting support," he explains.
"What is the full situation there?" Kurt asked.
"Lieutenant," he said.
Sitting behind Yang is Vanguard-7 Logistical Officer First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. She stands up and walks up to the desk.
"At 1833, Major Sharpe sent out an SOS to Alnus Command," Sarah said. "The city of Italica is being besieged by ex-Imperial soldiers."
"Ex-Imperial soldiers?" Kurt asked. "You're kidding."
"I am not, sir," Sarah said. "The Major was informed that they are part of the units we decimated last month. They are deserters."
"How did an elite unit get stuck inside an enemy city?" Kurt asked. "By the way, being besieged by the same enemy."
"Let her speak Kurt," Yang said in an annoyed tone.
"Major Sharpe does not fully know enemy strength," Sarah continues. "Right when they got there, the city was just attacked. He is afraid to take his unit outside the city wall without knowing the enemy's makeup."
Kurt leans back thinking. "Aren't Rangers supposed to be fearless? Our weapons should be able to overcome anything they have to throw."
Yang looks to him and speaks up. "Stupidity is not the Ranger way. For all, he knows they might have five thousand horsemen. One good ambush and everyone is dead."
"Plus, you already know about the heavy rainfall yesterday," Sarah adds. "It seems rainfall is heavier on their world, or at least here. There was no way for them to come back to Alnus safety, being forced to help the town defenders."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...