--- Dumas Mountain, Balkin Hill ---
March 3rd, 2026
"Corporal," Major Bronston said. "Tell command we have to reach our third checkpoint. No contact."
"Yes Major," Corporal Mick said.
He looks around at his 1st Cavalrymen as they move out the hillside. This was the general direction General Herm went so his mission is to follow the path and clear out Imperial forces. That was supposed to happen four hours ago.
Australian Commandos went up this path, chasing Herm but they ran into heavy enemy forces and were forced to pull back.
"Maybe it is a holiday Major," First Sergeant William said, jokingly.
"Or they haven't been paid," he replies. "In Elies, the Empire fought tooth and nail to keep it. Now it seems like they are giving up land."
"I will give it to them," William said. "They are adoptive bastards. Wonder what they are thinking."
He is wondering that as well.
Recent reports are that Emperor Zorzal created his own NATO-like alliance with the Ticaret Conglomerate and the Swestuals Kingdoms, plus many smaller kingdoms.
He has never heard of the Ticaret until recently, but he faced some of the Swestual during the opening days of the war. It was rare to see Imperial troops with the Darklings or barbaric races working together. It reminds him of stories of when the US Army was segregated, with by States during the Civil War and by race in World War Two.
While he prefers to fight the more common Imperial troops like Humans and Elves. He is scared of the Darklings. He saw the videos of the brutality that they did to American civilians. They do not act like normal soldiers, so they are harder to fight. Plus, he is afraid to be eaten.
"Tell Captain Baker to get Charlie company to secure that ridge. It looks like a good place for an ambush." He orders.
"Assume they are around," Lieutenant Harvey Douglas said. "Major none of the Black Hornet Nano drones haven't found anything yet. The first batch is returning now."
Black Hornet drones are about the same size as a dragonfly, able to fly around for about twenty minutes. They are small and very stealthy, able to sneak around and spy on enemy positions. The drone feeds uplinks directly into the soldier NETT feed, allowing any soldier to see what the drone sees.
He looks to Douglas. "I see on the feed Alpha is spreading too thin. Get Captain Samuel Murillo on the line and tell him to watch his platoons. I don't want a Lost platoon scenario."
As he speaks to him and everyone else hears weapons fire from Charlie company's position.
"Damnit," he mumbles. "Get Captain Baker to secure that ridge.".
Mick looks at him. "Sir. Charlie company is saying they are being attacked from behind."
He looks at Mick, confused by that. He is trying to figure out how the Empire got behind his battalion.
Suddenly arrows start coming down into his position. There is not a lot, which makes him think it is just a few snipers.
First Sergeant William is rallying the troops and getting them in cover. Soldiers from all around start to open fire, laying down suppressive fire.
He takes cover by this boulder and looks out. He can't see where the arrows are coming from, even though another one breaks on the boulder.
He doesn't see any infantry which means this is just snipers picking at them. During the beginning of the war, the Imperial archers used to stay behind the shield swordsmen for protection. That formation made it easier to slaughter them.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...