V09 - Chapter 93

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--- Alnus Community ---

November 22nd, 2025

Selina bursts through the front door of the Alnus hospital and heads inside. She slides to the front desk where she sees this white hair Warrior Bunny sitting behind the desk.

There is this Human man from Earth standing above her, directing her on how to use the computer. The man has a Canadian patch on his arm.

"Hello. I am here for Noriko. She is giving birth right now," She said, trying to look over the desk.

The Bunny looks over. "Oh, hi there. Are you talking about that young girl correct?"

"Yes. Her name is Noriko," She replied. "I need to hurry. I want to be there when she gives birth."

"Ok girl. Please make your mark here and head to the elevator to floor three," The Bunny answers.

She takes the clipboard and signs her name. "Selina Mir(1) Sharpe... I think that is how you write it."

"Ok, there. Now, what is an elevator?" She asked, not understanding the word.

"I will help guide you," This little purple fairy flies over.

She looks to the fairy, a little creep out by them. Back in her country, they were used as slaves. Not the normal type of slaves, used in labor or brothels. They were useful for administration work. That is what her father told her.

While she now does not agree with slavery, they still give her the creeps, because they are so small and can slip anywhere.

"Ok," She said, placing her hand on the open part of her neck and places her hand on her Polaris

The fairy flies away and heads down the hallway. She quickly follows it, trying to keep up with it. Ferries can be fast for someone who only walks on two legs.

After going down the hallway, the fairy takes her to this grey metal door. She looks at it. "Why is it always gray?"

"I know what you mean," The fairy said. "These people have no taste in art. Anyway, press that button for me."

"Ok," She reaches out and presses the button with the arrow pointing up. After a short period, the door opens.

Inside the elevator, it looks like this tight box. It reminds her of the time when she went to Earth and they had to go below the ground. Down there in what Sharpe called a subway was very loud and scary. Even Rory was scared to go down there. She wishes Sharpe were here, so she could grab onto him before going inside the elevator.

She walks inside and then the door closes and sees that she is trapped.

"Do not worry Human, it is supposed to do that. I take it this is your first time in these?" The fairy asked, chuckling.

She glares at the fairy, seeing it making fun of her.

"Press the number three button."

She walks over and presses that one that shaped like a three.

The elevator suddenly starts moving and she ends up on the side of the wall, holding onto the bars inside the elevator.

For her, nothing feels natural as the devise moves.

When the elevator stops and the door opens, she gets out quickly. "That was... strange."

"It takes a few times for people to get used to it," The fairy said.

"... where is Noriko's room?" She asked, just wanting to see her friend baby.

"This way," The fairy said and flies away.

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