"With the recent treaty with the Elbe Fiefdom, US Alnus Command recently gained a mapped-out region to the south of Alnus Hill. Up to this point the US Military has only had a mapped-out region to the north and west.
What Italica and Elbe consider geological surveys and with recent survey missions with the US Air Force and NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance launched a joint RQ-4 Global Hawk to map out the Dumas Mountain Range. While the operation will last a month with the objective to find a direct path through the mountains to the recently discovered capital of the Empire, Sadera.
The currently only known path to Sadera is the Dumas Pass east of Italica. The issue with the Dumas Pass is that the pass cannot support the tonnage or size of NATO armor.
Only a week into the operation, the Dumas Mountain Range is believed to be nearly twice as wide as the famous Rocky Mountains in the western United States. Alnus Command believes the chances are low that there is another direct route through the mountains for armor and supplies can pass through.
According to King Duran of the Elbe Fiefdom there is a path that leads all the way around the mountain range to the south. NATO has stated they are investigating this alternative route. According to Elbe, this path is deep to the south. The 10th Mountain, 3rd Infantry Brigade has been assigned to investigate." – National Interest
--- Border between the Elbe Fiefdom and the Kingdom of Alguna ---
July 27th, 2025
Outside the town of Nabalo, a border town on Alguna territory, a joint military force of NATO soldiers and what remains of the Elbe army are gathered. All the soldiers and Marines are gathered in a defensive line, watching as the incoming Alguna horde.
For the past few weeks, the Alguna army has been raiding into Elbe territory, destroying, and stealing crops and people. Since the Elbe army is still small and weak from being wiped out in the Second Battle of Alnus(1), they ask for help.
A Marine Captain Markus Ace is walking along the line, making sure NATO forces are ready. His Marine company is not alone, a British unit and Polish unit are with him, with about a hundred sword and archer men strong force from the Elbe Fiefdom. Everyone is taking cover behind stone walls, pushed over wagons and any other type of cover. They all have their fingers on the trigger, eyes looking down the sights as the approaching army.
"Steady. Everyone holds your ground," Ace yells as he walks.
Ace can see this large formation marching towards them. The ground is shaking from the number of enemy troops coming.
Ace stops where he is and pulls out his binoculars. He clears the rainwater off the lens and looks through them. Through them, he sees an army mostly filled with Goblins, all in different sizes. Most of them see to be the standard small ones however there are some larger ones called Hobs.
Scattered through the lines are a few of these massive man-eating Ogres. In the back of these formations are Humans and Hybrids infantry. It seems that the Alguna military is using these Goblin-like races as cannon fodder.
Ace lowers his binoculars as he hears this rumbling sound to his left. He looks over and sees this LAV-25 vehicle rolling up. It stops right behind a line of British soldiers. The turret moving into position, ready to fire.
That LAV-25 is not the only vehicle here. Dozens of British Warrior vehicles, the Marine Personnel Carrier, HUMVEEs, a Army armored detachment, and many other different NATO nations have been gathering here, ready to rain down hell on the approaching the enemy.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...