--- Elies Forest ---
May 24th, 2025
Everyone is moving quickly, trying to get Sharpe trap ready before the Imperialist regroups and arrives. Throughout the battle, it became clear that the Empire set a trap for the American forces, to lure them into a fight on their terms. He decided to use their trap against them.
Direct engagement is not ideal right now because US forces are currently separated. They could try to evacuate the troops at the fort but that risks being ambushed by both the troops in the fort and from the forest. On top of that who knows what other surprises they might have.
The plan is to lure the main Empire force in the forest out and into the opening, away from the fort and into a kill zone for the gunship. There is too many to just engage them without taking too many casualties. As that bastard communist Stalin once said, "quantity has a quality all its own". US infantry can kill a lot of them, just not all of them, expectably when were flanked.
Thanks to Lelei's magical spell, it temporarily drove off the Imperialist cavalry, giving everyone time to get ready.
He is moving along the lines, moving all the men and the vehicles into a V formation that is facing the fort. He is intentionally creating gaps between the vehicles, so the Imperial cavalry will focus on those gaps. From what he understands about ancient warfare, cavalry was used to attack the flanks or exploit gaps.
Once engaged, everyone hops on and slowly conceded the group, luring them away. The three Stryker's would not take part in the opening fight. The gamble is to make the enemy think that they his side is far weaker than they actually are. At least that is the hope.
He walks up to his vehicle after getting everyone in formation. He looks at Alicia as she talks on the radio.
"Alright Angel 3, stay off station until we call. We don't want you to scare them away until the fun begins. Over and out." Alicia said to the gunship operator.
"Is the gunship ready?" Sharpe asked.
"Yes, sir. But they stress that they did not come equipped for combat. One pass and that's it." Alicia said back to him.
"That is all we need if we get them in one place," he said. "Also, a good job of looking for support."
"Actually sir, it was mostly Lieutenant Sarah doing. She apparently has a friend on the base that's in the Air Force." Alicia replied.
He thinks about that for a moment. "Going to have to thank her big time for this."
Alicia smirks for a moment and then speaks softly. "Could just take her out for dinner."
"What was that?" he asked, glaring at Alicia.
Alicia gets a little embarrassed, trying g to think on how to respond. Thankfully, she was saved when Selina popped her head out the JLTV window.
"Hi, Major Sharpe. Lelei resting well but seems she is still asleep." That is when she looks up at him. "Hey, where is your helmet and body armor soldier. If I have to wear mine." She said with a cheeky smile.
He looks at her and then shakes her head. "I ditched mine and don't worry, I been through worse... fucking North Korea." He said, thinking back on that memory.
He then looks back at Selina. "Stay in here with Alicia. You are responsible for Lelei, can you do that?"
Selina give him a salute. "I can sir."
He nods at her and then walks away. The radio had some chat about possible sightings of the Empire.
Once he leaves, Selina looks over to Alicia. "Alicia, what is a North Korea?"

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...