--- Alnus Community---
November 23rd, 2025
Selina suddenly wakes up, all sweaty. She is panting as she looks around to see where she is at.
After looking around she sees that she is in Sharpe apartment, a safe place.
She then pats herself down, making sure that her body is ok.
Once she is satisfied that her body is ok and not being abused.
She had another dream of when she was a sex slave. This memory of this knight who took an interest in her while on the trail to this region.
She lays back down on the bed and looks over the side, seeing the bed empty again. Since when she was taken in by Sharpe, she has not been separated from his side or anyone else for this long. She has been missing the love and security feeling that she has when he is around.
She pulls up her legs up to her side a d she grabs them and then begins to cry.
--- 2 hours later ---
Selina finishes strapping on her ribbon on her arm, a symbol of her faith in Miritta. She walks over and grabs her backpack and purse.
She heads out of Sharpe's apartment and heads to the Alnus market. She is planning on picking up items for her friend Noriko as she recovers in the hospital.
As she walks around, she is glancing down onto the ground, wondering what is going on in the war.
There are times when she wakes up, she sometimes prays to her god, hoping that she will protect her friends. That is not something she learned from her priestess back in Edras but something she picks up from these Other Worlders. She thinks that maybe she prays, she could reach to her God and wish that her new family will be ok.
She believes why she cannot reach out to Miritta for her blessing is because she has not committed herself to Miritta by giving away her body through prostitution. The only reason she has not is that her new father told her not to.
As she heads through the market, she sees that female fox setting up her booth.
She remembers that fox. She claimed that she is a fellow worshiper of Miritta however the things she said were different than what she was taught in Edras.
She looks away and starts to walk but then stops.
She looks back to the fox and thinks that she is the only other follower in Alnus. Even though the fox sounds like a heretic of some kind, she still believes.
Taking a breath, she walks over to the fox sweet booth.
Once she gets there, she feels hesitant to say anything. However, she hears the fox say something.
"Hello, little one. If you give me a moment, I will be open," Karlin said.
"Well, I didn't come to sweets. But maybe Noriko might like some." She said to herself, nervously. "I'm sorry to both you, I should go."
"Don't be silly little one. It was Selina wasn't it?" Karlin
She looks up at the tall fox, seeing that she is not committed to the conversation.
"I can see there is a lot on your mind. What is troubling you?" Karlin
"I... I was hoping you would help me pray since I can't talk to Miritta." She said in an upset voice
She can see Karlin had a confused look on her face. How it was described to her, Humans pray to their gods on Earth because their gods do not interact with them at all. Here, preying instead normal since it is more common than the common man interacts with the gods or through their Apostles.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...