V02 - Chapter 22 RM

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--- Roma Highway ---

May 10th, 2025

Vanguard-7 spend most of the day at Italica, completing their original mission. After that they left Italica with a hero's departure.

Major Sharpe was surprised and pleased that the town was so thankful for their help. His intention to show a positive side worked.

Countess Myui Del Formal was incredibly grateful, giving a short speech thanking Vanguard-7 and their American friends. Princess Piña Co Lada on the other hand was more pleased that they were leaving.

The three JLTV are on the road, heading back to Alnus. The mood in the vehicles is high, after a successful and stressful battle. It would be good that they are happy because things could have gone far different.

The radio is alive with team members talking to each other, all arguing about the new topic of the day.

"I am telling you man; this is the future. It has to be," Andrew said in a confident tone.

Randy speaks up next through the radio. "That is stupid man, this is not the future."

"No, see. It makes sense. That is why there are hybrid humans all around. Nuclear winter changed everything." Andrew explains.

At least three Rangers are speaking over the radio, all trying to explain how dumb that was.

"This is not Planet of the Apes Andrew," Alicia comments.

"No, this has to be an alternate reality!" Andrew replied, forcing his idea out there.

"What if we are in a movie like the 'Last Action Hero(1)' film?" Scott asked.

"Does it really matter guys; do you honestly think you will solve it right here," Jerry said.

The radio will go quiet but then what seems like everyone will yell yes it matters. Alicia sits back down crossing her arms. "Men..."

"How about this idea? What if the Gate is a portal into the Matrix?" Andrew adds to the topic of the day, throwing out random ideas.

"That one is bad," Selina asked in a nervous tone, looking at him. "Right? What he said was silly?"

He looks at her and nods. "Correct."

As Andrew drives, he looks behind his seat with a confused look. "What?"

"Steele, you just got put in your place by a little brat," he said with a chuckle.

"Is a brat a good thing?" Selina askes in confusion.

He smirks from the question. "A brat is the highest of honor. I was called that many times growing up."

"That explains a lot," Alicia mumbles.

"Do you even know what I am referencing?" Andrew asked.

Selina shakes her head no and then looks at him. "I don't know what a Matrix is, but it just sounds dumb. Been around you guys long enough know the difference between a smart and dumb ideas."

He, Alicia, and Rory begin to start laughing at what Selina said, making fun of Andrew. Sharpe explains the story over the radio so the whole team and they all begin to rag on him over the net.

"Who needs enemies...," Andrew said, smiling a little.

Out of everyone, Lelei looks very confused. "I don't understand, why are they fighting?"

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