V04 - Chapter 46 Raid on Sadera RM

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--- Apex Liberty Bar, Alnus Community ---

July 4th, 2025

It is getting late into the morning; the Apex Bar is usually closed by now. When it is open, the place is always loud, people laughing giggling, everyone enjoying themselves.

Right now, though, the bar is staying open longer for this special moment. When the bar open, one of the soldiers sneaked a military radio into the bars. He was trying to impress one of the waitresses.

The bar is packed, never being this full before. Even the Alnus Military Police is here, not to kick the customers out or to control the massive crowd but to listen. Everyone is dead quiet, all listening to the radio.

"We got incoming!" A Ranger said over the radio. A massive amount of yelling and gunfire can be heard in the background.

"This is X-Ray, taking heavy fire. Lightening artillery. Repeat. Lightening artillery," Another Ranger yells.

Everyone is trying to get as close they can to the radio, wanting to listen to every piece of information.

Wolf is there, listening. He has heard many things from the radio. The battle sounds very intense and right now he feels more useless than ever. Wanting to be there, wanting to do something.

"This is Vanguard-7 Lead, we are engaging an Apostle. Need backup now!" A female voice can be heard.

"This is Echo-2, I see you Vanguard-7. You are all in the kill zone, I can't do anything."

"This is Echo-1, we cannot lock on to any targets. This cloud thin is blocking all radar contacts," An Apache pilot said as he tries to figure out what's going on.

There is some static over the network, interfering with the signal. Then all they can hear what weapon fire and some explosions in the background are. It will be confusing what is happening where.

"This is Colonel Yang, LZ is closed. All aircraft stay away from those purple clouds. Repeat, do not go into the clouds."

"We advise, we have a KIA, Staff Sergeant Donald. Arrow in the neck after a lightning strike." Another Ranger yells over the network.

--- Vanguard-7 Office, Fort Alnus ---

Sarah walks into the Vanguard-7 officer office. She sees Selina sitting in Sharpe's chair, just waiting.

She is not surprised by that; she finds it cute.

"Hello, Selina. Keeping the seat warm?" Sarah asked her, smiling. "Shouldn't you be asleep though?"

Selina looks up at her and thinks. The right words could not be formed.

"I understand. I will be right over there if you need anything," Sarah said. She then turns around and begins to walk off. It is a big operation going on right now, she never been able to sleep the night of operation.

"How do you do it?" Selina asked.

Sarah turns back around, looking confused. "How do I do what?"

"Stay here while they are at war," Selina said.

Sarah gets it. She had those feelings too, even right now. "Well, it comes with the job. But I still worry. They are my team after all."

Selina looks away, not thrilled with that answer.

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