V11 - Chapter 129

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"Today at the United Nations, US Ambassador Michael Powell and the Chinese Ambassador got into a heated argument today as both blame each other for the recent events in Central Asia. Chines forces continue their expansion into northern Afghanistan and Tajikistan."

"China has been scrutinized by the United States and the rest of the International Community for spreading the Chinese Coronavirus in early 2020. Reports say that the Chinese government knew about the virus as early as late 2019 and did not inform the International Community, all reports which the Chinese government denies.

Relations broke down after reports by the Chinese government accused the United States Army of spreading the virus within China. In retaliation, they rejected medical shipments to the western world which spark worldwide outrage."

"China invaded its eastern neighbors after the outbreak to stimulate its economy. The massive industry pulls out of China pushed the Chinese economy depression. The government said their goal in their occupied countries is to extract the much-needed resources and to force its One-Belt-One-Road project through the region."

"However, the Chinese Ambassador accused the United States of monopolizing the single most important scientific discovery in Human history to themselves and imperialistic vassals. China called on the United Nations Secretary-General to push the area around the Gate to be given to UN control so all nations on Earth could benefit."

"As expected, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France in the Security Council rejected the proposal. Ambassador Michael Powell threatens that the US will withdraw from the United Nations if such a proposal is passed and remove any current nation who is part of the NATO Expedition Force if they support it."

"China then again accused the US of imperialistic acts while the US is calling out China imperialist acts in the world.

"With the recent victory in the Elies region and conquering of Fortress Legrath, China and Russia believe that the defensive war is over, and a more International presence should be the main focus. That the US must choose if this war is for the protection of Earth or to enrich themselves and their friends."

"After that meeting, US Ambassador Michael Powell and thirty-five other ambassadors walked out of the UN General Assembly ending the debate." – SCNR News


--- Alnus Community, Apex Liberty Bar ---

January 8th, 2026

Tyuule walks into the back of the kitchen. She walks over to the dishwashing area. Above she can hear hammering and other mechanical equipment as the Army Engineers continue to fix the building.

She put the dishes into the bucket and wipe her hands on her diner apron to dry them off. She takes an annoyed breath, and she looks down at the dirty dishes.

Four years ago, she was once a queen of a Kingdom and now she is washing dishes just to make ends meet. If it were not for Delilah, she has no idea what things would be like.

She thinks back and remembers the times going around her homeland. There were no large palaces and mighty construction problems that other races enjoy making. Just the hundreds of green hills across the meadows. The many small streams that pass by from the Mountains Range of Ice and Snow. The tall grasses towering to the waist of a fully grown Bunny.

The true beauty of that she remembers is seeing all her people dens. Thousands of mothers wondering around with thousands of more children playing around. With over ninety percent of the population female, it was up to the mothers to protect their homeland.

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