--- Italica Palace ---
December 15th, 2025
Lelei looks up at the redhead Medusa maid Aurea as she hands coffee to her. Sarah asked a few of the mains to go get coffee from the American diplomatic outpost that is inside the city.
She looks over and sees Rory grabbing a mug.
"Thank you," Rory said and then takes a drink. She looks like a mess, half drunk.
Rory and the other members of Vanguard-7 had to be dragged out if the Tavern. Not because they do not want to help but because many are drunk, especially Rory. It has only been a few days since the Battle at Legrath and this was supposed to be the time for them to relax.
"Are you ok Rory?" She asks.
Rory slowly looks over to her. "I just feel dizzy. Didn't know another mission was coming so soon."
"I didn't think anyone expected this," She said.
"No," Rory responds. "And I going to crush whoever did... this..." She slurs her words a little.
"Should you go lay down?" She asks.
Rory shakes her head as she holds onto the mug. "No, I am needed here. Just keep me in the loop."
She was about to say something but overhears the argument that is happening. She looks out and sees everyone standing there. Countess Myui and her maids are there with some of Pina Rose Knights. Of course, the Americans are here, Colonel Robert Yang, Ambassador Harland Willington and the leadership of Sharpe team, Charles Johnson, and Sarah Rose. And Sharpe is standing there, trying to keep his anger in check.
She looks over to her friend Sharpe and while he is still composed, she never has seen him like this angry before. She does wonder if her father looked like that when she and her sister ran away. But unlike him, she cares how Sharpe and everyone feeling. Selina is her friend, closer to a younger sister after all.
This is a meeting to figure out what happened and what to do next. She made sure she had her notebook to record everything she finds important.
"That doesn't make sense. No one died?" Yang asked again.
"As I explained, when we swept the hallways, we found the people who were attacked. Three guards and Head Maid Kaine were put asleep by Spirit Magic." Head Knight Brollen Taluos.
"This doesn't make sense," Willington states. "This has to be a ransom job."
"No," Mamina replies strongly. "This was to organize of an operation to be random. The girl was the target."
"The girl has a name," Sharpe said.
Mamina looks to him. "I mean no offense. My point is I saw them and fought them. This was a hit job and knew what they were doing. They are well trained and skilled. These are not common bandits or kidnappers. Selina was the target."
"But they didn't kill anyone," Taluos said. "Why would they do that?"
"I don't know," Mamina responds. "It looked like they were just trying to slip in and out."
"And, where were you? I thought you said you were going to protect her?" Sharpe asks.
Yang looks to him. "Stand down Major."
She sees Sarah walk to his side, standing straight.
"Let us be clear here. There was no way any of us could have known this was going to happen." Yang states, trying to tase the tension. "Besides looking for blame, let's focus on the matter at hand."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...