V12 - Chapter 146 Schwarz Tribe

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"Today Lieutenant General Duncan of the US Space Force reported to Senate Armed Services Committee of the latest update of the Gate Defection Satellite or GDS.

The GDS is designed to detect the unique radiation signature that comes off the Philadelphia Gate. This type of radiation has never been detected before and to this day puzzle scientists around the world. One of the most confusing things that are puzzling scientists is that this new type of radiation is not lethal.

The latest theory is that this radiation allows Humans and equipment to travel back and forth between worlds, acting as a stabilizing force for the Gate.

The GDS is designed to detect this type of radiation if it ever appears on Earth again. Assuming another Gate ever appears someone where on Earth, this will give NATO and other allied forces a early warning system to mobilize and counter the invading force.

Currently there is a debate on how the new NATO Homeworld Defense Initiative should work and who should be involved.

NATO was created in 1949 as a military alliance to counter the Communist threat to Western Europe. Once the Cold War ended the question raised what need was there for the alliance. After spending the past thirty years conducting regional stability efforts and counter terrorist operations, there is a debate to retool the organization to Earth defense forces just in case the Empire or a different hostile alien threat appears.

However, the NATO Homeworld Defense Initiative is still a proposal and being debated in the US Senate and NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

While the GDS is primarily funded by the United States, it will be jointly commanded by NATO strategic forces to maximize security." - Jessica Moore from Subverse News

--- Schwarz Forest, Roldom Valley ---

Major Sharpe walks up to the village elder named Jeuo. To his left is Lelei and to his right is Yao.

All around him are his three Vanguard teams. Johnson Vanguard-2 team setting up a defensive perimeter. Vanguard-5 and Vanguard-7 are going to help the Dark Elf civilians into the 2nd Armored transport platoon.

He has Rory going around with the teams, just to make sure no one tries anything funny. Tuka on top of a JLTV keeping her ears out, acting as an early warning.

"We were beginning to wonder what happened to your raid party," Jeuo said.

Yao gets down on one knee. "I am sorry Elder. We failed and were arrested. But I was able to find help." She then looks over to Sharpe. "You need to kneel." She mumbles.

Lelei chuckles. "That will never happen."

He glances at Lelei and then Yao. His look tells her that he won't kneel. He looks back at the village elder. He has a rule about kneeling. Free men don't kneel to anyone. While he believes in traditions, ones that degrade the free spirit he will not accept. Kneeling means you accept that someone is above you, better than you, that you are unequal and that runs against everything he believes in.

The only expectation he started to consider is when a man kneels to his love, an idea he never put thought behind until recently.

Yao stands up, sweating a little. "I apologize, Elder. This is Major Sharpe of the Alnus Tribe."

Hearing that he looks to Yao. "Alnus Tribe?"

Yao looks at him. "Are you people not from Alnus?"

"They are from a nation called the United States of America," Lelei said. "It is one of many countries in their world called Earth. They are the ones leading the war effort against the Empire."

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