V02 - Chapter 25 World Order RM

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--- Washington D.C., White House ---

May 12th, 2025

President Emily Potts is sitting in the Oval Office, just finishing the latest reports coming from the Special Region. It has only been a year in her administration and this situation had to drop on her. Since the Gate opened in Philadelphia, it has been a political nightmare, both domestically and internationally. Finding the balance has been near impossible, all her political capital has been used just to maintain some stability.

Sometimes with Americans, you need remind them there are one hundred and ninety-two other nations on the planet, excluding Canada and Mexico. World politics are usually a second though, a topic for podcasts or online channels but an afterthought for the average person.

However, if one day they were attacked, all hell breaks loose. Pearl Harbor, September eleventh, now the Gate attack. The people want results, they want to know they are winning, they want to know if they are safe again. All they want to know is if it is ok to go back to normal. Usual things like thinking the other political party is evil, watching football, and being bored online.

Internationally, that has been even worse. Everyone fears the Gate. It would be more normal if an alien ship came from the sky or the CIA tells the world that Area 51 hosts aliens. No one knows what it is and how it works. Most importantly, it appeared in our country, which many did not like.

The only reason why she allowed NATO to trigger Article Five of the NATO Charter(1). One of the reasons is to show an international response, giving her the ability to sideline the United Nations and other nations she does not want involved. That the United States is not going to withhold the greatest event in Mans history all to itself. Most of the leading countries in the world want to be involved in some matter. Many want the United Nations to take control of the situation, which the American people would never accept.

The Russians, the only reason they have not nuked Philadelphia is behind the scenes guarantees her administration had to do. While most nations want access to the Gate, the Russians want it gone. Probably because they have been invaded many times throughout their history and know the issues of it. Just nuke the problem and move on, ignoring the part that would start World War Three.

Thanks to the US-Soviet Cold War(2), both nations-built ways to communicate with each other to prevent a crisis like the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1961. That has paid off more than anyone wants to know over the years, especially now. We can deal with them, guaranteeing there will not be a second attack from the Gate, allow their scientist and all known knowledge, public and private knowledge to be shared with them, and cash.

The real problem has the Chinese or otherwise known today as the Chinese Empire. Thanks to the War on Terror, the Chinese were able to colonize a small portion of the world without anyone knowing through Debt Trap policy. Besides doing it the European way and occupying the land, they just offered a good deal on loans and then hiked the interest, forcing the nation to surrender their Infrastructure and other things, basically becoming a puppet state.

What finally triggered the new Cold War(3) with China is when it was discovered that the Chinese were funding many of the Cartels in Latin American to destabilize Latin America and the United States and then lying to the world and exploiting the events of the Chinese Coronavirus. It nearly worked and since then, the US has been aggressively trying to push back. Only reason why the US is not in a worse situation as it is because of the amazing allies in the pacific. One of the few regions where we did a lot of good and it is paying off now.

"I like this Emily. I think we have a good situation here," Secretary of State Bobby Gates said, the head of the State Department.

"What do you mean, all I see is a crisis. Refugees, the United Nations will eat us alive. And what happened in that city, what is the name?" She asked.

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