--- Fort Alnus ---
April 31st, 2025
Lelei is holding what the Americans call a blueberry-muffin. It is a soft, fat, and fluffy bakery food with berries in it.
When she first arrived in Rondel long ago, she could not believe all the amazing design of bakery product there.
She was born in the Rurudo nomad tribe. Everything had to be hunted and cooked back then. Her people did not believe in settling down in a single location. So, Rondel had so many luxury foods she never could imagine. But now, she finds the American bakery is even far more luxurious than the best Rondel backer.
"Mm," Rory said to herself, enjoying her muffin.
"How do you think they make it stand so tall?" she asked as she analyzes it. "And make it so fluffy."
"Dark magic," Rory responds, enjoying herself.
She looks at Rory. "Do you think so?"
Rory looks at her and burst out laughing. "Of course not. Just eat it. It is tasty."
As she eats her muffin she looks around as she waits for Sharpe. He asked them all to be here by the Gate at it being midday, or these otherworld warriors call it, 1035.
It has been three days since Vanguard-7 escorted the refugees to Alnus Hill. When she got there, she was amazed by what she saw. They have massive, armored weapons called tanks, so much of their equipment made from this strange metal, showing how wealthy they are.
The other thing she noticed was the area around Alnus. Thousands of bodies and beasts all over the place. It is clear Alnus Hill became a bloody battleground. Based on the Americans' appearance and lack of concern, they did not suffer many casualties. With her time with Sharpe fighting against the Flame Dragon, she can believe how deadly their weapons are. Having these people as enemy seems like suicide
And then there is Major Sharpe. What he did was very brave, helping those people. That was very out of character for most people in Falmart. He and his people are soldiers, but they do not act like soldiers. For some reason, she feels safe around him.
She looks to her left and sees Selina standing there. While they are the same age physically that is where the similarities end. But she still agreed to watch over the girl for Sharpe. It is the least she can do for helping the townsfolk and giving her a place to sleep.
"It is fascinating isn't it, Selina?" Rory asked, referring to the Gate.
Selina looks at her. She still looks nervous and slightly scared. "That is how they come here?"
"That is correct," she replied. "The legend about the Gate is true but I am surprised that the Gate has appeared."
"My master Cato El Altestan has told me stories of the Gate," she said. "Stories about a Gate that appears, and life or death comes through it. I never thought I would ever see such a thing."
"Yeah but smaller than I expected," Rory responds. "But yeah, all good things are usually smaller than expected."
She looks at Rory, trying to understand the hidden meaning. All she sees is Rory chuckling.
As she is standing there by the fence, watching as the soldiers bring cargo through the gate. As a thank you from Major Sharpe for helping in the battle against the dragon, Lelei and her were given their own tent with some special rights on the base. Selina was also assigned to their shack, so I could protect her while he was not around.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...