--- Italica, Countess Palace ---
May 11th, 2025
Princess Piña Co Lada is walking down the palace hallway later that night. After yelling at her friend Bozes after failing her a second time within a day, she decided the only way to form any peace is to take matters in her own hands.
She is terrified that Major Sharpe will go back to his people and tell them she broke the treaty. When that happens, she knows they will come back to Italica and kill everyone. Any good grace that was achieved will be lost.
She cannot believe it was only two days ago that she was plotting on betraying them after the battle was over. Now she needs try anything she can to please them. She prefers to do it through reason however, he is a man.
She gets to the door that Myui put the Other Worlders in. She sees two Italic Knights standing there on guard. She is not worried that they will stop her, being an Imperial Princess.
She has only known Sharpe for a short period of time, but the warrior language crosses all species lines, in our world and hopefully in their world. That is what Grey told her during the Rose Academy.
She decided to dress in her armor, wanting to try to connect on what they have in common, being a warrior. Then, if she needs to, seduce him if all else fails. All her life she has seen some of the most respectable men in Sadera fall to their knees after seeing a little cleavage.
To her surprise, Rory opens the door.
"Oh, hello there.... What are you doing here?" Rory asked, smirking at her. "Princess."
That left an uneasy feeling in her body. "I am here to see... ahh..."
"Sharpe?" Rory finished for her, chuckling. Clearly, she can see how nervous she is.
"Yes, him. The Major. I want to talk to him about the treaty." She said, making sure the Princess understands that she is in control and in authority here.
There is a short pause from the conversation as Rory thinks. She then gives this big smirk. "Oh... he is not happy about that. After what happened." She glanced up, placing a figure on her chin. "I have to say, assassination by slipper, very creative. Not that effective but creative. And I was wondering when you were going to show up."
"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.
"Countess Myui was here," Rory said. "She came and thanked them for saving her city. And that they are welcome guests and under her protection. Clearly she is doing a better job than you."
Rory then chuckles, not caring about her title. "Also, If your Knights try anything you will have to face Countess Myui Formal maids. We all know what they are capable of. They are under their protection. Just don't forget that last part." She reaches out and pokes Pina on the noise.
Hearing that she becomes scared but would do her best not to show it. Do they believe she just tried to assassinate him? She cannot believe that she is negotiating with an Apostle, an Apostle that is protecting the enemy. "I understand, can I please see him?"
Rory stands there thinking, toying with the Princess. "Nnnno... sure. He is on the balcony."
She let out a small relief. This has turned out to be harder than she ever thought.
As she walks into the room, she sees everyone is asleep. Either laying on the floor, on a chair, the kid on the bed. It seems that they had fun. They all must be tired after a hard day of fighting and their interaction with her Rose Knights.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasíaGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...