--- Alnus Community ---
January 10th, 2026
Captain Sarah Rose is walking down the street as she looks at her clipboard. "I think this is the place."
She looks up at this four-story building. It looks like an apartment building with stores on the first floor. At first, she thought she had the wrong address but Myuute said that the batgirl Mentiv Dor Alis lived here in the rafters.
"But I guess it makes sense," She said to herself. "Being a Bat after all."
She walks through the door and heads upstairs. Mentiv has been hard to track down, this is the fourth building she went to see if Mentiv was in the rafters. From what she understands she goes building to building for shelter.
Each place said they kicked her, and she relocated to a new building. From what the locals said she does not pay rent, so they kicked her out but the impression she got from the natives shows that she was not welcomed. While the military has anti-discrimination laws in place to protect the people here, it is easier said than done to enforce it.
The military has no experience in dealing with these more civil Dark Races. While she does not see the problem, her people are new to this world and do not have millennia history with them. Sharpe asked her to do some research on the matter, not wanting to rely on the local's bias perspective.
From her research, she has dwindled it down to two categories. The first group she is labeling as the Dark Feral creates like Goblins, the larger monster Minotaur's, Trolls, the Kurashs form that Dar took during the Battle of Serenity Outpost(1), soldiers ran into Brahmarakshasa in the forests and others who operate on pure instinct. All they do is live off their basic needs to eat, breed and kill.
The other category is more of a guess since she has little experience with the more civilized Dark Races. Most of her theories on the group are based on what she knows about this Batgirl. All the natives just lump them all into one group and call it good.
She then stops and takes a deep breath, noticing her mind racing back to the events in Havcristen, back to the events of Combat Outpost Serenity. She grown used to watching the battles from a computer screen but being part of one is different. She remembers fighting that beast and then being taken prisoner by Krysist as a last-ditch effort to escape from her commander, Major Sharpe.
Then the memory came of her short period as a prisoner, being hassled by those soldiers. She still remembers that moment here and there. She knew a rescue party would come but it would not happen in the time before the Imperial soldiers do what they wanted to do to her.
Then she remembers Krysist beaten them and then tossing her into a cell to be used as bait for Sharpe. While he condemned the act his troops wanted to do to her, he only saw her as a tool for his grand plans. But then, as she sat in the prison cell naked, wondering what was going to next.
And then Sharpe was standing right there at the cell door, breaking every single regulation in the book, again. He looked beaten, tired, both dry and wet blood all over him, dirty but still defiant. Her memory is a bit fuzzy after that she just remembers feeling warm and happy after being rescued...
"Are you lost?"
She stops and eye widens. She looks around and realized that she got stuck in a memory. "What?"
"You can't be lost," This feminine voice said. "No one gets lost in the rafters. But why are blushing? You Humans look strange when your face is red."
She looks around and already got her answer who it is. "You must be Miss Mentiv Dor Alis. I have been looking for you."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...