--- Elies Forest ---
May 23rd, 2025
When the Rangers discovered that Sergeant Larson was taken prisoner by the Empire, both Vanguard-3 and 7 would move out to search for him. They were told by the elf elder son that there is an Empire fort somewhere in the region. Good chance he was taken there.
Because of the situation, Sharpe was forced to leave Vanguard-5 at the village until the Canadian rapid response team reaches them. While Bailey wanted to go with, wanting his man back and wanting some revenge.
However, the current condition of his unit, most being dead, wound or missing, forced them to stay behind temporary. While he was not comfortable in leaving them there, he no longer feared that the elf elder would do any of them harm. Besides, there was no other choice, waiting for the Canadians to arrive would mean waiting a day until they begin their search and rescues.
After a short conversation with Alnus Command, the brass decided to reinforce the two Ranger units. The 1st Armored Division is sending a Stryker platoon to rendezvous with both Ranger teams. Another Stryker company is heading towards the northern part of the operation zone, trying to prevent the Empire from sending reinforcements from the north or prevent them from escaping.
A French force from the 7th Armored Brigade is being deployed into the area to provide rear cover or emergency assist to anyone who needs it, preventing the Empire from sending forces from Belatrack.
To help save time both Vanguard-3 and 7 would temporarily separate to cover more ground. It has been hours since the search begins with little luck. Since the search began, the weather has not been on their side.
The weather has become cloudy with occasional light rain. That normally would not be a problem, missions do not get canceled because of a little rain. The problem is that these roads are made from dirt, which is turning into mud. They were never meant to be used by modern-day vehicles. The JLTV can travel in this wet terrain however, speed is the key here and this is only slowing everyone down.
For once Rory is in the passenger seat as he is the back on the radio with Private First-Class Alicia Moore. She has traveled the Elies Forest a few times over the centuries and can help with the navigation.
"The French Force has engaged a Imperial force by the Cholen River," Sarah said over the radio. The signal is very weak with some static. "It sounds like they are fighting some kind of water monster so all you will have is the Stryker support?"
"No air again?" he asked. "I thought the Airfield was complete?"
There is a short delay before Sarah responses. "Negative on-air support. That airfield is complete however they are still testing the aircraft to see if they can be used."
He knows what they mean. Because of the limitations of the Gate many aircraft had to be taken apart to be transported here then reassembled.
"Roger that," he replied in a annoyed tone as he looks at the Blue Force Tracker(1). Normally the digital map would be up to date in real time however because there are no satellites or drones for GPS, all maps and units must be preloaded before leaving base. "What about 1st Armor?"
"They have crossed the Valtris bridge and entering Etlia now," Sarah replied. "I am connecting you two, so you are on the same comms."
"I am confirming that sir," Alicia said. "I have Lieutenant Peterson on the horn."
"Roger that Sergeant," he said to Alicia. "Sarah we will try to keep you up to date however connection is horrible here."
"I understand," Sarah said. "Will see what other support I can get you from this end."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...