--- Greater Elies Region, Iruos highway, Kerush City, Havcristen Outskirts ---
September 15th, 2025
Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk, a leader of the Elies Imperial Army garrison is rushing through a hedgerow and heading to a trench system. All around him he can hear his soldiers yelling, scream, calls for help. He also hears the loud explosions and rattle sounds from the enemy weapons.
Above his head, he hears the strange zooming sound from the enemy artillery.
An explosion happens right next to the trench he is running in. The explosion blasts force him forward, landing in this dirty puddle.
He slowly gets up as his ears ring. Looking ahead, he sees this boy archer laying against the trench wall, with his arm missing. Blood coming out of the holes from his body.
He gets up and heads to his command tent.
The tent is built between three hedgerows, using the landscape as protection and to hide from the Other Worlders flying machines.
When he walks in, he sees many of his junior staff. They all look scared out of their minds on what's happening out there.
Normally he would never accept this kind of weakness out of his troops. He would have beaten the fear out of them. A soldier if the Empire never fears the enemy, never retreat from the enemy, never to accept defeat.
This war has thrown all those traditions out into the mist. While those values might remain strong in Sadera and the other high noble cities, far away from the battlefield, here on the field there is only one rule now. Survive as long as you can.
"Report!" He orders.
"Legatus, first-line has completely been destroyed." One of his junior officers said.
"There flying beasts are destroying us." Another one said.
He walks over to a table where a map of the battlefield. He has seen their flying beasts, seeing two different types. One kind that can hover and snipe out our forces. The other is these high-speed beasts, dropping these strange firebombs and liquid fire.
He saw one of these black looking wing shape beasts zoom right above this one bunker that was engaging the enemy, destroying it with ease. All that was left is fire and smoke.
Another large explosion is heard, shaking the ground slightly.
That is when another soldier rushes in. "Legatus. They just landed a few hundred troops behind our trenches. We're being split up into groups."
"Damn!" He yells, slamming his fists into the ground.
When Krysist first laid out his defensive strategy, it seemed like it would work, or be more effective that the tradition formations. Early battles showed some decent signs. The Imperial Army and local Knights have inflicted some damage the Other Worlders first wave. Even slowed them down.
These people adopted quickly to their strategy. It is clear they just did not fully understand the equipment these Other Worlders uses.
"Tell the Eighth Legion to move here and counter their landings. How many catapults do we have left?" He asked, looking down at the map.
One of the officers walks over. "From what I understand, four left. But they are in the rear inside bunkers. Doesn't it matter though?"
He understood what the young man said. Most of their catapult and other ballistics could only get one shot before being destroyed. The only advantage the Legion has is the hedgerows they are in. That is forcing the Other Worlders to get in close. Their weapons allow them to engage at far ranges, this helps prevent that advantage.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...