"We are here to report about the recent Imperial incursion into the Elies Forest. The US military told us that the Empire snuck about five hundred soldiers into the forest in an attempt to block off supply lines into Elies.
US and French forces cleared out the forest in the early stages of the war, destroying the Imperial force in the sector. During the conflict a US Army Ranger was taken prisoner and tortured before being rescued.
The campaign to remove the Imperial forces out of the forest came at the cost of seven US and one French soldiers. The enemy dead has been reported in the thousands, destroying the main force.
NATO intelligence believe this is an attempt to retake Valtris, wanting to cut off the Alnus region with Elies. While most of Elies is under NATO occupation, small skirmishes within some of the major cities and the outskirts still occur." - Alnus Liberty News
--- United States, Philadelphia, Sharpe Condo ---
Sarah Rose closes her eyes. She feels both her and Sharpe's hands locked together tightly as their bodies tense up.
She can feel Sharpe other hand moving down her body, enjoying his rough military hands going down her smooth skin.
She moves her free hand to his back and keeps to keep him close. She realizes that she has to help regulate her warrior. She also wants to keep him close so she is holding him close.
She then moves her head so she is facing right, letting Sharpe kiss her on the cheek.
She moves her hand from his back to his cheek. She glides his head so he is now looking directly at him.
Both of their eyes interlock, realizing no words are needed to express how they feel. Both of them have been through a lot, each in their own way.
Them they both kiss.
She feels the tension and the love as she moves her head back, feeling her body locking up.
She feels Sharpe pick up speed as she grabs the pillow as tightly as she can. She can't stop herself from panting as she feels Sharpe grab her leg.
And then they both stop, breathing heavily.
As she catches her breath, she sees Sharpe lying down next to her. She looks at him as he catches his breath.
"Wow...," she says panting. She uses her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Two times."
Sharpe pants heavily as he catches his breath. "Sorry... I..."
She giggles, seeing his insecurities coming out. He is a soldier to the core and being ex-Delta and now Rangers, fighting monsters and Apostles. He knows how to go all in, on the frontlines, and in bed.
"Everything is ok, I hope I didn't make you work too hard," she comments in a cute tone. She then leans over and kisses him on the forehead.
After that, she rests her head on his right shoulder and snuggles up. Her left-hand rests on his chest as she gets comfortable beside him. As she gets close, she can hear his heart pounding.
"No...," Sharpe said. "It did get tense there."
"No worry," she replies. "You're SF. I expect all or nothing from a man like you."
As she cozies up, she feels so happy that she finally was able to catch him. It was not easy, it took longer than she liked to claim him. In the end though, she won her beast and now he is hers.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...