V06 - Chapter 58 Krysist RM

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"There were protests yesterday in thirteen State capitals. The protest leaders said they are upset that the government has not done a better job in finding more American who were taken by the Empire. That the military should do better in finding anyone who were turned into slaves.

While most Americans are still struggling with the concept of people being kidnapped and turned into slaves. A recent poll showed that many do not understand how an act like this is possible. Most want the government to prioritize searching for any possible missing survivors.

The government has responded by stating all resources are looking into the matter.

A think tank group from the Hudson Institute has stated that the government was overwhelmed by the invasion and many now obvious mistakes were easy to miss during the invasion. The government was trying to understand how such an event could happen in the first place and fears of multiple Gates appearing around the world. The realization that the Tolkien Mythology is fact, not fantasy. The discover of alien life outside the solar system and it being hostile.

The battle damage much of Philadelphia and it was easy to assume a few hundred missing were part of the casualties. As seen on life TV and online feeds, monsters eating people alive, others being ripped apart, at the time no one in government, think tank, media, or anyone talked about possible kidnapped and enslaved Americans and other national tourists.

The Hudson Institute has also stated that because seven months have already passed since the war began, it will be almost impossible to find all of them, assuming any of them are alive. According to reports from the recent rescue, the liberated Americans and Brazilian said that many where split into groups and send to many parts of the Empire as gifts. They also based this off the 72 hours rule for searching for missing people investigations.

The key problem is that the world called Uros is completely foreign to the nations of Earth. There is no starting point for NATO troops to begin a search. That it took six months to learn the location of the enemy capital and its proper name. That NATO forces have only recently learned the region around them. Any hope to find any kidnapped survivors will require local support like Italica, Valtris, and Elbe." – SCNR


--- Sadera, Imperial Senate ---

July 27th, 2025

Emperor Molt Sol Augustus is sitting on his throne within the Imperial Senate chambers. Since the attack by those American Other Worlders, the senators and the city noble generals have been here scrambling to find a way to end the war. All have been trying to find ways to defeat the enemy, none seem to work though.

Before the attack on his city, Molt did not take the threat as seriously, overconfident that the Empire would overcome the enemy in time. The Empire has been in bad spots before however has always come on top in the end. Even when these Americans killed his guards and beat his son in the Throne room, all for one of their weak girls. He thought he found this weakness.

After witnessing their attack on the city but only a few of their soldiers and the near destruction of the Royal Guard. The full reality of their power and might hit the Emperor. The Empire has struggled before however, this is quite different.

When he first learned about his daughter's attempts to form a peace treaty with the Other Worlders, at the time he decided to play along with the idea. He saw it as a chance to buy time so he could reform his army. Then he planned on restarting the war to retake Alnus and beyond.

Now, he believes that his foolish daughter was completely right all along. That peace was after needs to be the number one priority for the Empire otherwise there will not be an Empire left.

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