"GOOD MORNING ALNUS HILL! We are finally on the airwaves. If this took another week, I would begin to believe that I worked for the government. I am here today with my assistant, a native Alnus herself." – Free Alnus Radio
--- Appia Highway, east of Braran ---
June 15th, 2025
It took two days for Vanguard-7 to each the outskirts of Sadera. It should have taken three days however he ordered the unit to drive through the night to make up lost time. However, this speed still impressed the Rose Knights, claiming it should have taken a minimum of six days between Sadera to Italica.
While on the trip, Sharpe make sure that his team record the surrounding areas as best they could and upload the data to the Blue Force Tracker(1) so the military knows where enemy units, towns and paths are located. Every detail matter until the Space Force can establish themselves and get satellites up and running. It was only two days ago that NATO learned the location of Sadera.
One thing he was ordered to find was the direct path to Sadera, so NATO could assault the city if needed. However, after passing through the Dumas Pass between Lorsiss and Votai was far narrower than he expected. His JLTVs barely got through meaning the military will not be able to launch an assault through the pass without massive tunneling operation.
"What was that?" Hamilton asked, startled by the radio that suddenly spoke.
"That is a radio station. It seems like our outpost in Italica got their tower up. We are able to listen to Alnus," Andrew answers Hamilton's question.
"Assuming we stay in range," Alicia points out after a long yawn. "The single is currently bouncing off a Global Hawk about forty clicks south from here."
"Ahh, all I have to do is talk through this thing and everyone can hear?" – Free Alnus Radio
"Yes, they can. We are in life. In today's news, our Diplomatic Outpost in Italica has finally been open. Word has it that our boys there had warming welcome." – Free Alnus Radio
After a short amount of time listens, both Hamilton and Pina realize what they are listening to is news. How impressive that is. One of the reasons why the Empire has been so successful is its post network. Either horseback or flying a Wyvern, new orders or information can quickly get to a place to place, allowing the Empire to react quickly.
However, even that still takes time. These people can magically just talk to someone like they are faced to face, even if the other person is far away. That changes the war of war and even managing the Empire dramatically.
"Yes, they did. Today I am here to talk about the current expansion projects that are needed for the Alnus Community. While trade between Italica and from the Elias region Valtris and Etlia have become productive. Lieutenant General Stanford was the troops to buy local food to help offset the logistical challenges from the Gate. Currently everything the military needs are being imported from Earth through the Gate." – Free Alnus Radio
Vanguard-7 finally is on their way to the capital city of Sadera. The rainstorm that hit the other day has passed and the team was able to leave Italica the next day. Leaving was rough as the roads were all muddy, forcing the convoy to move slowly. That only lasted about fifteen miles until they reached the dry road.
As planned, Rory, Lelei, and Selina are staying at the American Diplomatic Outpost in Italica. Because of a lack of interest on their part and other personal reasons some of them have, they wanted to stay behind. This is a diplomatic mission after all and not an armed assault.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...