In the Elies regional capital of Havcristen, Romanian troops discovered two US soldiers crucified inside what is believed to be a cellar. Since NATO troops took the city tensions have been high as many of the city populations reject western ideas.
While the military government, Colonel Louis Grant from the 2nd Armored Division stated that violence is down, rogue loyalists are still committing terrorist acts. The Colonel again states to the citizens of Havcristen that NATO will not abolish slavery until a formal treaty is signed, explained in detail how it would be done in a fair war.
Colonel Grant found the four terrorists who did this and are awaiting trial. Three of them are Human and the last one is Pooka who owned a Slave market.
The Elies region economy is agriculture, which needs a large slave base labor force to harvest the fields of crops. Farmers are worried to go broke and starve if they cannot harvest their food.
In an attempt to establish better relations with NATO, The people of Havcristen nominated Nater of the Carthid Clan, from Lake Carthid. Nater is a Darfellan. HIs clan trade with the city and they have a trusted relationship.
They agreed to represent the occupied towns of Elies to see if the NATO trade agreement has merit in transforming Elies economy away from a slave labor economy. - Jessica Moore
--- Sadera, Gladiator Arena ---
Senator Kaeso Id Tyueli leans forward at the private Senatorial booth at the Sadera Arena. He watches the three Humans; one Elf and one Dwarf gladiator go up against one Minotaur.
"It doesn't seem like an even fight?" Casel El Tiberius said. He then eats a grape.
"You should come to the games more," Tyueli said. "While the Minotaur is outnumbered five-to-one, never underestimate their brute strength. If he does lose, he probably will kill four of them before death."
"I understand the rules," Tiberius replies as he drinks his water. "The sport just never entertained me that much."
"Regardless, it is a good way to conduct business," Baron Monterey replies. "To get away from the Senate floor. I find it easier to think here. There is something simple being here, watching these gladiators fight to the death."
"You find this peaceful?" Tiberius asked, surprised by that. "You sound like someone who has never seen war in his life."
"I served my country long ago in the Imperial Army. I was with Molt in the campaigns against Famulis." Monterey said. "But look. These gladiators are fighting to the death, nothing to lose but honor and glory. Because your opponent is stronger does not mean they will win. You will be surprised by how many creative tactics these people come up with. I find their creativity-inspiring and motivational."
He drinks some wine and chuckles after hearing all that. "That sounds like something Krysist would say."
"Do not insult me," Monterey quickly responds.
"Insult maybe but while all we do here is gossip like women Krysist at least fought and died for the cause we say we follow." Tiberius states.
He looks over to his good friend Senator Tiberius. He is one of the oldest and most respectable Senators in the Imperial Senate, having a great amount of influence. Because of him the Pro-War faction still has to listen to the Pro-Peace faction. He is a very principled man, still, believing in the old ways when the Empire was once a Republic.
He then looks to Senator Monterey, the leader of the Neutral-Faction in the Senate. While he and his few Senators frustrate the other two Factions, they have been able to maintain a careful balance of power in the government. He carefully sides with the Pro-War faction on some topics and then the Pro-Peace faction on others.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...