V05 - Chapter 55 Good Evening RM

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--- Resort, Earth ---

July 14th, 2025

Everyone will be at attention, waiting inside the main conference room.

The conference room is not that large, just enough to hold a few dozen people comfortabilities. There are decorations all around the conference room, with all forms of the American flag scattered all around the tables and walls.

"You guys take this flag thing pretty far," Lelei said, noting all that. She is currently in her other outfit, a Sailor Collar Sleeveless Skater Dress.

"No kidding," Rory adds. She is in the same black, maroon gothic two pieces lolita dress with capelet she had on last night. Her other new dress while looking great but Sarah refused to let her wear it. It is a little too inappropriate for this occasion. "I can't remember the last time I had one of these State events. Must be like five hundred years now.... Yup, now I remember why I hate these events."

"Rory," Sharpe said after hearing what she just said. "You are going to be good tonight. No death and destruction tonight."

Rory looks over to him and smiles, giving him a cute wave. "No promises." She said cutely, being a smart ass like Sharpe.

Sharpe looks at her and then reflects on what Sarah said before. On how they are picking up his 'worst' traits. "Damn she's right." Now he is proud of that.

Selina stands by Sharpe, feeling nervous meeting the President. She is in a sleeveless red dress with black buttons going down the front of the dress. There are two black lacing with one on the bottom edge of the dress and the other two buttons up. Small black bows are around the dress between the two laces. She has this purplish bow on her right arm.

She looks up at Sharpe. "Have you ever meant the President before?"

Sharpe looks down at her. "Yes, well no. Not this one but the last one." He is wearing the army standard dress uniform with the peaked cap.

Out of nowhere Sarah walks over and starts to adjust his tie. "How do you still don't know how to do this." She asked him. She is in the same standard dress uniform but in the skirt variant.

"That is still so strange." Rory comments. "Having a new leader every four to eight years. That seems so short."

"Depends on which side of the political aisle your on at the time," Sharpe responds. He is a bit discomfort with his First Lieutenant as she finishes fixing the tie but allows it.

Lelei walks over with a cup of water in her hand. "Please correct me, but your President is the leader of your country however they can't pass laws or taxation?"

Sharpe looks at her. "Correct. Right now, she is our Commander and Chief. Her responsibilities are to lead the nation. But we make sure that the office doesn't hold too much power."

"And Congress maintains the government? Setting rules, funding, and policies. And they can overrule the President on any matter?" Lelei asked and then thinks. "So, it is like mini pulses in your country culture?"

"Mini pules?" Sarah asked, looking at her confused.

Lelei looks over to her. "Well yes. Every new leader is like a reset on your way of life. A constant revolution. While in the Empire it would take the overthrow of the current leader to make such a drastic change, you can do it over a few years. Bloodless mind you."

"That sounds like anarchy," Rory responds. Everything Lelei is saying is reminding her of someone in her past.

Lelei looks to Rory next. "Exactly. People are naturally chaotic. We do things that are not in our self-interest all the time. We get angry over such small daily tasked and look for ways to vent it. Their Founders found a way to bring order to this chaos. Both balancing each other out. You combine freedom of speak with elections and that acts as a valve for the people to vent their struggle. Chaos and order are now one of the same, a daily norm."

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