Well, damn. I have to say that I am impressed and happy how it all turned out. This story arc was insane (many of you already know the troubles and issues I was facing between Thanksgiving and Christmas). But it is done, besides a few aftermath chapters it is finally done.
The only real issue I have is that I was forced to abandon all my B, C, D, arcs that were set up. This Legrath/Elies/Krysist arc was a Goliath in ways I never expected. I just published Chapter 111, this arc started all the way back in Charpter 49 when I first brought up For Legrath in a chapter (no idea it would have take this long). That is 50% of this novel.
But that is fine and not that is done, I am going to be starting more smaller stories. A lot of new characters, factions and more exploring the world will be happening besides this one single campaign.
There is another campaign coming and I think you all will like it. It wont be a Goliath (I hope not). A lot of small arcs I had plan will be coming back. Well see more of NATO allies like Italica and Eble more. I also like to go back to some more character driven stories and exploring Falmart. There are so many places to see and explore I dont want to get trapped in just battle, then next battle and next battle...
I am personally happy that so many people fell in love with General Krysist. He was introduced and building up all the way back in Chapter 35 (you just didnt know it was him). Glade you all liked him because I had a blast writing him. We shall see what happens.
A current issue I am having but it is the Manga fault. The original leadership of the Empire are dumb asses and I hate it. I reject the idea of a Empire large then the Mongolian Empire are this stupid. That is something I will be working on but stay loyal within the Lore.
This has been a fun ride and I hope this continues and I keep on pleasing everyone.
Another thing, how is my writing style? I think I write in third person, saying he and she. Should I switch to the character point of view more like I, me, etc? Or is everything fine now.
Special Thanks to all these people who have been helping be brainstorm and given me ideas. It has helped a lot.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...