--- Knappnai, Knappnai Gladiator Arena ---
January 10th, 2026
Kagash Poprila is sitting in the stands of the Gladiator arena. Before they left for Rondel, she promised her son Fagrish that they can watch a few games. While she doesn't like the games, her son and husband surely loves them.
"Boys," She said. "I will never understand their love for violence."
"That is the mother speaking," Drasho Getro said with a chuckle.
"True but I can't help it," She replies.
She glances over to the left and sees the Human sage. He is the representative from Rondel, her competitive magical city. He is one of the governing members of the Governing Council and he helps manage the economy of Rondel and has deep ties with the Magic Guild. While some of the other representatives from Rondel are off doing something else, Drasho wanted a secret meeting with her.
During the summit, she and her family are here to represent Darlko, another major magical and research city within the Empire. It lays in the east, right before the Grasslands of the old Warrior Bunnies kingdom.
For centuries Darlko has been in the shadow of Rondel, mainly because in Darlko they teach all forms of magic, including banned and forbidden types. They are far looser in their research than Rondel. The Magic Guild has a far less influence there because of all its regulations and customs but the Magic Guild has been the biggest obstacle for Darlko in increasing its status. But those were the old days, before the war.
"But I have to say I have never been a fan of the sight of blood," Drasho said.
"I see that is why you don't have a woman," She said.
Drasho chuckles as the crowd celebrates the gladiator who just Fought once?. "I am surprised you brought your son."
She looks at him. "I would never leave my son for a long period. To be gone for months if not for years. My heart could never allow it."
"And yet you bring him to war?" Drasho said.
"Well," She replies. "We didn't know we were going to accept the Empire terms. Just like Rondel, we act more independently than most Imperial cities and Counts. And if we did accept that means our mission would be far longer."
She then looks down at her beautiful son as he watches the games. He reminds her of her husband Galrik when they were kids. He was full of excitement and full of energy before he was cursed. Her parents tried to sacrifice her to save themselves, but he agreed to Hardy to become a Warlock. He saved her from the demon but was cursed to be stuck as a Warlock for life and can only speak a dead ancient language that she had to learn to understand. In return, she fell in love with him and started a family with him.
She then sees the child Warrior Bunny she bought for him in the city market. Drasho is right, both her and Galrik will be busy on their mission so she bought her son a friend.
"I see you bought a bunny," Drasho comments. "They are very popular these days. I believe in twenty years they will replace the Cat-people as the most popular slaves."
Cat-people are naturally weak compare to most other races and hybrids which makes them easy to enslave. They also have this cuteness feature about them that attracts people to buy them. The Warrior Bunnies, while deadly they have this exotic feature to them because it was rare for someone to buy them before the Crown Prince conquered this Kingdom. They are considered the new toy on the block and the fact over ninety percent of their babies will become females is the spices on top of the exoticness. But she wonders how long until people realize Cat-people are still easier to manage.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...