--- Earth, United States, Washington D.C., White House ---
January 31st, 2026
President Emily Potts leans back into her chair while sitting in the Oval Office. She is drinking from her 'Best Mom' mug that her kids got her for Mother's Days fifteen years ago.
It was a hot day in eastern Afghanistan and she just finished her shift. When she got back to base, she had a package from her kids. She wishes that she were at home when she got it but wished she was at home.
She looks through her daily desk reports. The Chinese war in Afghanistan is heating up, China conducting a bombardment on Fayzabad, solidifying its position. The Chinese government said they are clearing out Islamic Terrorists, but the CIA discovered that dozens of trucks are transporting Afghan civilians back to China. While her Intelligence agencies are still investigating, most likely they are being transported to the Xinjiang concentration camps in western China. China has been creating these 're-education camps' and forcing the many different Muslim ethic groups into oppression. This has resulted in the regional lands being clear for the State-run mining companies.
As the saying goes, you prepare for the last war when trying to prepare for the next. Most wars happened where you least expect them. During the Cold War, everyone always thought the next war would happen in Europe through the Fulda Gap(2) in Germany but wars happened everywhere else. 9/11, no one expected a twenty war in the Middle East before that day. Reality showed that wars popped up everywhere but that.
Since the Chinese Coronavirus and the discovery that China was funding Cartels on the southern border. Everyone thought China would make a move against Taiwan, Japan, or North Korea when they switch sides. Or them officially annexing the Nine-Dash-Line in Southeast Asia.
But no, China went west for resources and to expand its Road-Belt project. And a magical Gate appeared in the United States. Two wars no one saw coming in places no one saw coming.
"That is enough of drama," She mumbles to herself and then takes a sip of her coffee. "What's going on in the Interstellar war these days."
She grabs the Uros files and begins getting caught up on the latest reports. Two rare earth mining sites have been discovered and construction has begun. China represents over eighty percent of rare-earths metals. These metals are vital for the modern economy and a major weakness in the United States and the world economy. Securing other rare-earth sights is key to the US defense interests in the new Cold War.
She then reads up on the newly discovered metal called Adamantium. While the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement and the United States Geological Survey will have to do more research on that ore, but it looks promising. Stronger and lighter, that could make some massive changes to the economy.
She then sees two proposed natural gas and one oil rig sits recently discovered in the Elbe Fiefdom. The alliance with King Duran is providing a major anchor in the region. There already have been three major fruit trade exchanges.
"Not a bad start," She mumbles to herself as she adjusts her glasses.
This war is becoming expensive. While she does not want to start a colonial empire on Uros, there needs to be some kind of economic return to pay the bills. She wants to work with the natives to make a win-win agreement. She understands her actions will set the tone for future administrations on how they handle the new world.
She then sees a report that Senator Ryan Laymen wants to have a meeting with many of our allies on Uros. King Duran, Countess Myui, and Princess Pina. She then sees Rory Mercury and Lelei La Lalenaa on the list. The new Elf on Vanguard-7, Tuka Luna Marceau, and the new prize Princess Selina Sharpe.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...