V06 - Chapter 60 Roses Honor RM

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"The 10th Mountain division, 3rd Infantry Brigade has launched Operation Roundball, led by Colonel Henry Camble. There is now an understanding of how NATO can use the southern pass to loop around the Dumas Mountains and assault the east of the mountain range, setting the stage to assault the capital city Sadera. The second objective of this operation is to connect NATO territory and the Elbe Fiefdom.

After securing the land around Deabis, the city is being used as a staging ground to assault the Imperial towns of Marais and Filisville. Marais is considered a primary target, to be used to swing back north. Once Marais is taken, the Australian 7th Brigade and 1st Armored Division to secure the flanks.

The 3rd Infantry Brigade has already defeated an Imperial two thousand strong cavalry force and destroyed the Fortress of Rogieon with minor casualties. With most of the Air Forces focused on the Elies Campaign, Colonel Camble has stated that he has been impressed with the swiftness his unit has achieved their objectives." – Free Alnus News


--- League Principality, Tuba Mountains ---

August 4th, 2025

The Rose Order arrives at the foot of a mining camp. They can see dozens of people in chains, coming and going through this big hole in the side of the mountain. This is one of few of the mines within the League Principality.

Unlike the Kingdom of Alguna, The League does not have a major economy. Just a few agriculture locations around some of the small towns. The only source of ore is the southern part of the Tuba Mountains, however, the Toumaren and Elbe Fiefdom control most of the mountain range. Unlike those two Kingdoms, the League lacks a decent metal economy.

Piña Co Lada stands at the entrance, looking up towards the mine. "Are you sure he is here?"

Grey Co Aldo stands by her side, looking up to. "My sources say the wife of the Duke sold him here after the American slave tried to escape. Apparently, he was more trouble than he was worth. That and he refused to sleep with the Countess."

Pina takes a deep breath, not happy that she must deal with miners. "Well, they might be wealthy but that doesn't make them pretty. Lets get this over with."

She and Grey then walk forward with some of her knights escorting her.

As they walk down the path, all around are being forced to mine. They are carrying out rocks and other materials in and out of the mine. Mines like this are scattered all around the Empire. Many of the larger mines are run by the dwarfs, which their territory is mainly underground rather than controlling the surface.

Most Human mines are far smaller than the dwarves. The big difference is that Humans just dig a small hole and extract the metals they want. Dwarves, on the other hand, builds cities underground.

That is when this Human man walks over and pulls Hamilton away while no one is looking. He pulls her behind this stone shed, out of public view. He places his hand on Hamilton's side and mouth, holding her in place. He begins looking up and down at her body. "Hello you, I think I can find a use for you."

Hamilton freaks out, startled, and confused by what is happening. She looks over at this big muscular dirt man. "Let go of me". She says in a muffled sound. keeps trying to pull herself away but cannot.

Then that man feels a sharp blade poking at the side of his neck.

"Let go of her your filth," Jalin Tu Fendro said in a calm but cold tone.

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