"The US Military has reported record recruitments numbers for the fourth month in a row. With the reactivation elements of the 2nd Armored, 5th Infantry Divisions, 5th Marines, and the expansion of the Air Force by five squadrons, and one new Space Force Wing, the military needs an additional one hundred and twenty thousand soldiers, marines, airmen, and guardians.
When the war began many on Capital Hill were concerned of a man shortage to fill these new units with urgent speed. After the successful Raid on Sadera, a massive wave of young men and woman to the recruitment centers nationwide. A large hashtag began saying #quietcollege&enlist! And #Citizenshipthroughservice, a reference to the Starship Troopers novel.
College starts in the next two to three weeks. Many schools have reported that mass dropouts from freshmen to senior students. Some students dropping out with only months left until they got their degree.
Many see enlisting for the war effort as a better path than going to college, college in recent decades have come into question as putting the last generation into a debt trap. The current generation sees this as an alternative. A chance for adventurer, to gain experience, and more importantly revenge for the attack on Philadelphia and the recent news on captured American and other nationalities.
With recruitment goals already expected to reach and surpass the one hundred and twenty thousand mark. There is currently a debate in Congress about reactivating the 8th Infantry Division, 4th Armored Division and the 9th Infantry Division to help fill other critical gaps within the US Amy structure." – National Interest
--- Sharpe Quarters ---
August 30th, 2025
After being checked out of the Army hospital, Sharpe is walking down the pavement sidewalk in the barrack section of the base. To his side is Selina, walking by his side. Walking by in that cute red dress that she wore back on Earth. The one with the black bottoms and bows. It is sleeveless, a fashion that he has noticed that she likes. He also sees that bow she always wears on her right arm, a symbol of her religion.
Sarah brought her down to the hospital before leaving to work on some after mission reports. It was nice of her, knowing Selina would want to come by and see him.
The army doctor stitched up the sword wound and patched up the chest area from the magic blast. The doctor said there is nothing too serious. He has had far worse wounds on past missions, both physically and mentally.
When Selina arrived, she gave him a mighty tackle back at the hospital. He has found that she is a sensitive one, but he also has learned that he enjoys that someone cares that much.
Since leaving the hospital, Sharpe has noticed that Selina has not said a word. Normally she is always trying to impress him about something or telling some story about something else but not this time.
"Is everything on Selina? You seem to be quiet." He asked her, concerned. She could just be tired though.
"I am ok sir." She said, clearly holding back some emotions.
Sharpe was not convinced by her answer. She has not talked about it, but he understands she was badly hurt when she was enslaved. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what the lowest standard of man would do to someone so young and weak. He has been impressed by how strong she has been so far about everything.
And that is probably why she is so upset. Just like coming back from Sadera and thinking he was dead, this time he came back wounded. While somewhat normal for someone like him, for her it probably scared her to death.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...