V07 - Chapter 77 Tomorrow Bonds

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--- Fort Alnus, 75th Ranger Headquarter, Vanguard Program ---

September 1st, 2025

At Fort Alnus, it is early in the morning. Sharpe is at the Ranger Headquarters, doing some early morning work. He has been having some trouble sleeping since fighting Krysist.

On his computer, Sharpe is looking at ancient Earth generals, skimming through the list. Trying to find something that helps him make sense of things.

He has looked up Alexander the Great, King Leonidas, Hannibal Barca, Sun Tzu, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and many others. Glancing through all these names, looking for something that could stand out that might explain what happened at the Fortress.

He places his hand on his side, feeling a little pain from the wound.

"Still hurts?" First Lieutenant Sarah Rose asked as she walks in. "You are here early."

He looks up, surprised to see her. "I have had worse. It is not that painful but itchy. As long as I don't put pressure on it. Thank god for Kevlar. Here is a tip, never get shot."

She walks over and chuckles from that. "That is why I stay back here."

"Well, from the reports it seems the Alnus Military Police seems to run to some interesting people." He responds, leaning back in his chair.

He then looks up at her and sees this concerned look on her face. "What are you up to Lieutenant?"

"The fact that you are using my rank said it all." She said as she walks up and sits down in the chair in front of his desk. "You are not upset because you lost a fight is it?"

He places his hands to the back of his head thinking. "No..."

"Come on Sharpe. I saw the video. It is part of my job to review them for unit performance statistics. Look, it was one hell of a fight." She said in an impressed voice. "Everyone has been impressed by how well you fought. You two went at it, there is no shame in losing. You of all people should know that was a bad situation that was only getting worse."

As Saraj spoke, Sharpe watches her. He begins to wonder why she is actually here. He has noticed that she has been helping him out more. Taking care of his personal life and watching Selina. It has been a blessing, allowing him to focus on the war when on the battlefield.

Reflecting on that fight, the situation still baffles Sharpe. In modern warfare, it is not often a soldier have to use hand to hand combat. The US Military trains its Infantry in hand-to-hand combat, teaching Jiu-Jitsu and Taekwondo depending on what causes the trainee wants to take. Just in case if it is needed but few expect to use it.

First learning martial arts while in the Green Berets and then Delta Force, he mastered both whiles in training. Besides training, he has not handed a proper chance to use it under combat conditions.

The thing was, during the fight, he was never scared or nervous. He admits, he was played and played well. Whoever this Krysist is, he is not like the others he has fought in this world. It is also confusing why the Empire waited this long to employ a General like this. Maybe the raid on Sadera made them desperate.

He usually does not like to talk about what is going on in his head. He is just used to keeping things close. A lot of things he has done or seen are deeply classified. As his past mentor, Harper once said, 'If anyone knows what you are thinking, you are dead'. A fact Krysist understood well.

The problem he has been struggling with what he can and cannot say. Alicia has been right before; it is hard to follow a man if you know nothing about him. Normally soldiers do not go backward in the Army, coming from Delta and going to Rangers. There is a special balance to this day he is still trying to figure out.

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