"There are reports of the US winning the During the Battle of Hill Scra, thirty-five kilometers southeast of Namulia. However, the battle came at a cost as Major Hal Stone, being sniped by a Scorpio launcher. He was in the command vehicle, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division.
Reports have been coming in from troops in Elies that Javelins from Scorpio's and other Ballista's are armor pericing. They are made out of an unknown alloy which is able to punch through lightly armed vehicles like HUMVEES and JLTVs. In one case they bene able to pierce through Stryker armor however unable to do serious damage.
In other news, the Romanians, Baltic States and Bulgaria has sent their Expenditure Forces, all under Italian command has arrived. The Romanians are taking over security roles in Valtris while the other nations are setting up a defensive line at Leirirs. Their mission is to prevent Imperial assaults from the north while NATO forces storm the Elies Region." – Free Alnus News
--- Path of Hadritus, Town of Mumoouto ---
August 19th, 2025
As the battle rages down below, Rory rushes the rooftop to rooftop.
"Rangers spread out and return fire. Johnson, take three and clear out the left buildings. Bailey, take three and clear right. Everyone else on me and clear the streets" Sharpe said over the radio.
Rory has her own radio that was given to her. She must admit, these communication devices are very handy in combat. Being able to listen to everyone while in battle. She prefers to stay on the sides, doing her thing while the Rangers do their thing.
All around her she hears battle raging. Sharpe's Rangers assaulted from the east while the Canadians are battling the main force to the south.
Up ahead is the largest building in this village. Three stories with two towers on each side. It is not a military installation, probably some rich noble that runs this sorry town. She doesn't care, all that matters are that the Empire as occupied the building.
As she moves through the air after jumping off one roof to another. As she is in the air, she can hear the battle ranging down below. The sounds of gunfire and Imperialist soldiers dying.
As she lands on the red roof tiles, she notices archers and spearmen all around the building. It looks l they are getting ready for Sharpe teams to come around the corner.
"Hey, Major Sharpe. I see the Empire inside the big building. I'm going in." She said over the radio.
"Roger that Rory. We will be there soon and bust the front door open. Watch yourself," Sharpe responds to her.
She starts rushing again, heading to the building. "Oh, you are such an overprotective softy you are, sweetie." She responds to him in a cute motherly tone.
"Rory! Get your head in the game and stay focus!" Sharpe tells her in a regimental tone, being serious.
She just giggles after hearing that. She just loves that about him. Being a warrior like her but caring. Even for a demigoddess like herself.
As she gets close, she then pushes herself off the red roof and glides through the air. A few arrows pass her as the soldiers in the building sees her.
She lands on the balcony railing and then looks up. She sees three soldiers pulling out their swords. It takes them a second to realize who they are facing.
As she stands up, perfectly balanced on this railing. She can that sudden fear on their faces, realizing they stand no chance in fighting Rory, the Apostle of Emroy.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...