Faction Contest Winners

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Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this contest. There was a few entries, many that impressed me. These are the ones that I know for a fact will make it into the story at some point in the future. 

The key point was how I could integrate this faction into the story and these three stand out.

1st Place: The Ticaret Conglomerate by 21ykcoh.

- Ticaret is a desert people with many power houses. They are located in the north western desert and keep to themselves. 

2nd Place: The Buaven Kingdom by Tomrichman

- The Buaven Kingdom is run by a fish was called the Sahuagin. Thier kingdom is under the Easter Sea. 

3rd) Unity of Hinregs by mithril124DD

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3rd) Unity of Hinregs by mithril124DD

- It is a vampire dominate race within their Kingdom. While a isolationist people, they are aggressive. Their location is unknown. 

There was a few factions that didn't make this list and some of them I am still working on because I see potential but just were not there yet. 

I like to say thank you to everyone who submitted. It was very cool seeing how creative people where, being very impressed on what I seen. 

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