V09 - Chapter 101

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--- Alnus ---

December 6th, 2025

Pina is currently walking back and forth in her Rose Knights barracks.

In her hands is a travel note from Casel El Tiberius that recently came from Sadera. The note is short and to the point.

The note explains that Zorzal is now the Emperor of the Empire. It also says there these. We shady people who now associating with people he has never seen before. Nothing about her brother Diabo and most important, all Rose Knights are considered traitors and should be captured or killed on sight.

"Your highness," Beefeater said. "We don't care what your brother says. He can't lead a parade."

"You're kidding?" She asks. "What happened to father though? He never would willingly surrender the throne. He would rather let the world burn before he surrendered it."

As she walks back and forth thinking about the meaning of the note.

Back at the fortress, she saw it firsthand. Zorzal people, like Herm and that other new race there carrying out his will. They said they were going to kill her, ordered by her brother.

She never cared for her brother Zorzal, they never had anything in common. However, Zorzal is still family and she must respect that. She never wanted the throne and has made that clear to him, even though she knew he would be dangerous.

"How could he betray me like this?" She asks out loud.

Bozes walks up. "Let us go back to Sadera and get some answers. Maybe beat the crap out of him."

"Don't be a fool," Jalin said as he leans against the wall. "The minute we get close to the city he will kill us all. He won't give a damn about any of your nobility."

"I am sorry to say but he is right." Panache said, sitting down on a bed in the military cloths.

"Why though. What did I do to cross him? I haven't even been to Sadera." She asks, baffled by the situation.

"It is because of that your Princess," Jalin says. "We have been running around trying to help these people. Helping the enemy find their people and return them. We gave them information and staying here for this long. Then you tried to help them in Havcristen(1). They probably see that as us switching sides."

Panache looks to him and the Pina. "Again, I have to agree with him. Your attempt to regain these people's trust resulted in our people not trusting us. All of our noble names are going to be affected by this. Maybe this was a bad idea."

"I did not say that," Jalin says. "Stop pretending to agree with me if you're just going to cast doubt of the situation."

"Well, some of us have names to protect. You might not care about yours, but this will have negative repercussions on our houses." Panache states, annoyed.

"Knock it off you two," Beefeater says, annoyed by those two bickering.

"Maybe she is right. Maybe this was a bad idea?" Pina asks.

As she paces, she cannot wonder if she made a mistake. These Other Worlders are so powerful and maybe deep down inside she might if wanted to be on the winning side rather stand by her people. All she can think about is what will happen with her Knights. They have no home, no station, no people. As Panache said, most likely all their names will be disowned.

She stops and looks at her lieutenants, "I am sorry my Knights. I dragged you down like this."

"It is not your fault Princess," Beefeater said.

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