V12 - Chapter 138 Future Paths

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--- Roma Highway, Fort Alnus ---

January 17th, 2026

Lillie Hauroth is sitting in the back of what these Americans call a truck. The ride has been bumpy, but she was impressed by how fast they traveled.

While she never been to this region her party leader Karther Jagith and Gorgth Braoen have. They said it should have taken four days to get from Valtris, then Atler and then Italica. With what they call a truck, it took less than a day to reach Italica.

For security, these Other Worlders put a Knight from the Rose-Order in the back of what they call a truck with them, to keep an eye. It is a grey hair woman named Panache Fure Kalgi. At first, she thought she was going to act like a spy, but it seems Karther and her have gotten along well.

They stopped at Italica for the night, but Countess Myui refused to let them into her city, forced to stay outside the city by the soldiers. Now they are on the Roma Highway heading to the Other Worlder's base of operations Alnus Hill.

She looks up at Liz, the party lizardman mage. He has his hands together chanting.

Liz looks at her, sensing her. "Is something bothering you?"

"Just thinking," She said. She was pissed when her boy slave was taken from her. No one ever has done that before, and she spent the last two days trying to figure out why. She never was mean to the boy, she never hit him or mistreated him. His role was to take care of the team's domestic roles like cooking, packing, and washing clothes. She got the slave boy to do the team domestic work, so she did not have to do it.

"You are still upset about the boy?" Liz asks. "I know you were fond of the boy but don't trouble yourself over a slave."

"Well, you don't have to wash your stain ridden wrappings, Liz," She said annoyed. "It just makes no sense."

She then feels a pat on her back from Harthdru Falith who is sitting next to her. "Don't worry. Once our business is done here, we will head back home, and everything will be normal."

"Will it though?" She asks. "Maybe we weren't allowed inside Italica but did you see? The rumors of these people are both right and wrong. None of it makes sense."

Shen then looks over to Gorgth. He is the oldest member of the team, she has latched onto him like a father figure, enjoying his input and conversations. She has learned a lot about life and morals from him. She has noticed he has been quiet since getting to Valtris.

"Gorgth, what is on your mind?" She asked

Gorgth looks at her and then everyone else. "I hate everything I see. Did I served twenty years in the Army, protecting six hundred years of history, tradition, and culture for this? I was born in Vatlris. I did not enjoy seeing an enemy flag in my hometown."

She thinks about what he said. She does not hold the same patriotic values as he does but understands where he is coming from. "Scared they are removing everything you hold dear?"

"How can't I?" Gorgth replies. "And look. Italica was once one of the most loyal cities in the Empire. They have always been strange, but they were always loyal. Look how quickly they changed their allegiance. At the same time, I cannot blame them for being forced to be loyal to the enemy, these people have strange weapons."

Gorgth then looks to Panache. "How can you betray the Empire like this? I don't understand why the Princess would do this?"

Panache looks to the big man. "I take it you used to be an Imperial soldier?"

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