--- Italica, Next Morning ---
December 16th, 2025
Sharpe opens his eyes and sits up. He places his hand to rub his nose, not getting a good night sleep. He then reaches over and grabs his water container for a quick drink.
He is in the Diplomatic Outpost Alpha at Italica guest room. Normally he would sleep with his troops, but other priorities took present. He knows they would understand why he gave himself some special treatment.
He looks over to his side and sees Selina sleeping right next to him. She is still out cold, and he does not blame her. As she sleeps, he can see the bruise mark around her neck and one visible on her wrist. He already saw the others on her arms and chest for being beaten and tossed around.
On the way back he had the team medic Jerry check her out for serious wounds. The bruises are from them trying to control her rather than torture, not like that is much better. He is only glad there is no permanent damage.
He reaches over and grabs the bed cover. He then pulls it over to her.
He then gets out of bed, having to go meet Colonel Robert Yang and Ambassador Harold Willington, to finish yesterday's conversation about Selina royalty and recent loyalties in his unit. This is not the first time he had to deal with the brass.
This is like when he was summoned to the Pentagon in Washington DC after he botched the Mexican mission. Twelve hours of listening the brass rip him apart. Almost eight years in Delta and all they accomplish just vanished into nothingness.
He could not blame them though. Two Delta operatives butchered like cattle, a local family massacred and then he leads everyone else into an ambush that nearly got everyone killed. Somewhere, somehow, he screwed but and every night in his dreams is a reminder.
The only reason he did not get kicked out of the Army or worse was because of Major General Holland, head of SOCOM. He went out of his way to prevent Sharpe from being Court Marshal. After an intense debate, watching his life work be debated.
In the end, a compromise was made. No one wanted this public and the context of how dangerous the operation was going after the Cartel King. They agreed to toss him into the Rangers until they figure out what else to do with him. Then the Gate appeared, and the rest is history.
He expects something like that to happen here. No one was pleased when they found out that Selina royalty and has been under their noses and he took responsibility for her.
Same with Grey Co Aldo and Tuka Luna Marceau. He is the one in command and he took both under his wing. At the end of the day, their actions are his responsibilities. That is what he will tell the brass and deal with them in private.
As he thinks about that he quickly gets ready and, in the Army, casual uniform.
He turns around and sees her sit up, rubbing her eye. He then sees her looking around and he assumes she is looking for water as she adjusts her pink tank top.
"Morning squirt," He said as he walks over and hands her his canteen of water.
She takes it and nearly drinks it all.
He smirks. "Stay hydrated as much as you can today. Are you hungry?"
She nods as she tries to wake up.
He turns around and leaves the small guest room.
He heads to the building mess hall, which is not fair. When he gets there, he sees Rory at the booth with this plate full of food. "Someone is hungry."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...