"President Potts met with the major NATO nations United Kingdom Prime Minister Oscar Lowe, French President Fabrice Giraud, Italian Prime Minister Alano Velotta, Canadian Prime Minister Jordan Banks. With them is Japanese Prime Minister Hoashi Tomomi, a major non-NATO member.
The topic was how to best deploy resources for the war effort. The Gate is a pathway between worlds, bypassing the need for interstellar travel. However, the size of the Gate has proven limiting for transporting troops, material, and hardware to Alnus in sustainable numbers to support the growing need for manpower.
The other major topic is the legality of allowing non-US troops on American territory. While it is common for foreign soldiers to train on US soil, there has never been an example of foreign troops on US soil for war. The sight of seeing foreign tanks and armored personal carrier has concerned many Americans as the most are not used to the sight.
To help guarantee the flow of resources, the US Navy recommissioned the old Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. While parts of the facility have bene turned over to civilian development by the city, most of it is still in Navy hands. The shipyard will be used for foreign troops and equipment to stay until it is their turn to go through the Gate." – SCNR
--- Alnus Community, Liberty Apex ---
August 20th, 2025
It is another day for Tyuule as she finishes getting ready for the day. So far, she has been staying with Delilah upstairs in her apartment. Outside the sole window in the room, all she can see is a downpour of rain.
While her good friend Delilah has fallen in love with Alnus and with some members here, she still has her doubts about this place. While she has found it nice and interesting seeing all these different races able to come here and live-in peace. Her heart remains back in her country.
An opinion of hers, she hates the feel of the Other Worlders clothing. While the quality is good and the am number of options is incredible, they do not have that natural feeling that she misses from her country. It all just feels artificial compared to what she is used to. However, still leagues better than the rags.
She usually spends her days in this room, not having any interest in meeting the people. More wanting to study the Other Worlders from a fare. This allows her to see the true nature of a people.
Deciding to leave, feeling a little stir crazy, she heads downstairs and heads to Delilah's works. When she is not off fighting for the Americans, she works at the local bar, Apex Liberty. Her kingdom did not have any of these kinds of bars. Out of everything she has seen in Alnus so far, this is her favorite. A place was all these people come together and get drunk and then act dumb. She finds it interesting.
As she walks downtown wooden sidewalk. It is freezing. Bunnies are fast, smart and have great senses. However, they do get cold easily. These huts with their large families usually provided all the heat needed during the cold seasons. The grey jacket she is wearing now provides the warm she needs now, still, she does not feel natural in it.
As she walks in, it looks moderately busy. Looks like many of the townsfolks had a similar idea. Many of them came here for food and warmth besides out in the markets. To kill time until the weather gets better.
As she looks around, her ears bend down a bit. Out of nowhere she suddenly feels insecure around all these people. She was once a queen of a mighty kingdom, respected by her people. Now, just a worn-out whore queen without a throne.
So far no one seemed to notice her, unlike back home. The whole world would stop when she made her presence. Not out of fear but respect. No, she is not even a name.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...