--- Dumas Mountain, Balkin Hill ---
Captain Jace Baker rushes around Charlie's company making sure everyone is where they need to be. Seeing that he was cut off and surrounded he ordered all three of his platoons to form a rigid circle. Everyone is taking cover wherever they can find.
He walks past a wounded stand that is still standing, refusing to go back to the wounded station. He pat's him on the shoulder and then his buddy next to him. "You are doing great boys. These Imperialist bastards think they could get the jump on us like in Battle of Ia Drang(1). We kicked their asses back in Nam and we are going to kick their asses now. Do not let up."
While he knew the Battle of Ia Drang was an intense battle, the 1st Cavalry soldiers who fought in that battle were tough, warriors. They never quit and today the 1st Cav soldier will not either. In that battle the soldiers were surrounded and outnumbered, their lines were about to be breached and it was their fighting spirit and superior firepower that prevented the battalion from being overwhelmed and killed.
Before he lost contact with Major Bronston, they both learned that the Empire was sneaking behind and within through underground tunnels. Seeing that he figured out this was a trap and a well-planned out one. He wonders how much resources the Imperial Army had to devote to do something like this.
About twenty Dwarves came out of two holes that were disguised as boulders. In their sneak attack, they killed four soldiers and wounded another five before they were able to take care of them. Right now, his company specialist M11 Incinerator flamethrower and burning into the last of the hidden ambush spots.
He hears another charge and aims his rifle. About one hundred Imperial swordsmen charging towards them. His riflemen open fire and cut the formation.
The cloak on his HUD goes off and he gets on Company COMs so everyone can hear is order. "Everyone takes cover."
He gets on his knee and takes cover. All the soldiers around do the same, taking cover by anything they can find.
And then a wave of arrows comes from all directions. The arrows miss almost everyone. He hears a soldier screaming after getting hit by an arrow.
This has happened many times now. The Empire swordsman makes a fake charge to get his company, making them focus on that threat. Then the archers on the ridge and in the trees fire a single volley of arrows. Then they disappear. Then the Swordsmen make another charge as everyone is distracted by the volley and taking care of the wounded. But that tactic isn't working so well anymore.
He noticed something different about these archers. His company Black Hornet nano drones have been keeping an eye on them. While they have the high ground, a few rockets and grenades should clear that up. However, those archers are not acting like standard Imperial troops. They are also not wearing the standard armor and cloaks clothing the Empire soldiers wear.
The drone showed that after firing a single shot they run away, and a different archer appears somewhere else and fires a single shot. Imperial Soldiers are more regimental and more disciplined while these soldiers seem to be more guerrilla fighters.
In addition, they seem to be far more diverse than Imperial Legions. The Empire mainly employs Humans as the backbone of their army while using other races as needed, using their unique skills to enhance the core of the Legion. Based on the drone they are Human, all High Elves, Dark Elves, and Wood Elves, a few Lizards and Leonidas.
It has been hard to confirm but it seems his company is fighting two different groups besides one standard Imperial Legion.
This tactic has prevented his rockets from effectively killing them. By the time his troops react, they are already gone and moved to a new location.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...