V06 - Chapter 64 A Day with Selina RM

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--- Alnus Community, Liberty Apex Bar ---

August 15th, 2025

Today in the Alnus Community, it is currently morning. The sun called Flare has just broken over the Tuba Mountains towards the south. The sun mist that is outside.

Selina is currently at a table at Liberty Apex. She is sitting in a wooden chair, she just being tall enough to for the table. To her right is a plat with some food. Two green eggs and green ham with some bread.

In front of her is a tablet set up on this stand. She is reading a book from an approved list that is on Sharpe tablet.

There is a large list in that book app. Selina was very surprised to see so many books. Reading materials in this world, all 'books' are custom written by hand. People called scribes handwriting materials and most of the time they are just documenting things.

That is what Lelei told, she is having an older sister who does scribe work for a living. Having handwritten stories is extremely rare, being saved for only the super-elite.

Back in her country, most women were not allowed to learn how to read. It all depends on what Cult you were part of. The Kingdom of Edras heavily worshiping Miritta so we could replace our troops as fast as we could. Miratta, the Goddess of Birth, Fertility, Virtue, and more.

Her father King Jelaus did not teach her how to read. He told her many times when she came to age, she was to be married to this Cult that didn't allow it. Her Edran father told her many times that her place was to bear and nurture the next generation of royalty and leaders.

When she told Sharpe about that, she remembers he was not happy. While he didn't explode on her, he just keeps calling her people sexist, degrading jackasses. She has noticed those thoughts have been building up for a while.

After that conversation, he told her that she's going to learn how to read English. No debate. He says that if Miritta truly loves her then there is nothing wrong to be an educated mother when she gets older.

At first, I didn't fully approve, for religious reasons. She didn't want to anger her Goddess Miritta. The only reason why she did was that deep down inside she wants Sharpe love and approval.

For those books, Sharpe gave her a list of self-help reading books to help her get better at English.

Starting to learn how to read has been hard. Of course, she understands how to read some words, some basic words like water and food. But the bigger words are proven to be hard. He says this current book should help her learn these words.

She has only started doing this not that long ago. So far it has been hard for her to match the English spelling to the sounds they are supposed to make.

"Pucfic... Hmmm." She tries to say, struggling with a word in this spelling book. She tries again to say this word. "puacific...." After trying to say the word a second time, she gets frustrated by her failure.

"What is wrong honey?" Sarah asks her, noticing that she is struggling with a word.

Sarah is sitting across the table, working on her big military laptop. It is massive compared to the tablet she is using.

So far this morning Sarah looked to be very busy. But she said before that she wanted to take Selina out for breakfast, not wanting her to feel alone.

Looking up at Sarah, she grumbles a little. Not enjoying how hard learning to read can be. "I am struggling with this word Sarah..."

She turns her tablet around to face Sarah.

Watching Sarah lean forward, she just smiles. "I see. It is pronounced specific."

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