"The 10th Mountain division, 3rd Infantry Brigade has captured the Imperial city of Marais. The siege lasted for five days.
The original plan was to have the M777 howitzer from the Battery E, 7th Field Artillery, 10th Mountain to bombard the city, taking out key defensive structures. However, with the recent heavy rainstorm, the highway and the heave weight of NATO equipment traveling on the Roma Highway, the highway has turned into a muddy mess. Locals say this is normal, that the rain clouds get trapped between the southern tip of the Dumas Mountains and the north tip of the Tube Mountain Range, creating a mud lake that stretches throughout the valley.
Two soldiers already died because of the mud lake, with three M1 Abrams and two M2 Bradley has got stuck in the mud and deem unsalvable. The troops said they ran into a mud hole that acted more like quicksand from the movies than mud. The 16th Engineer Battalion from the 1st Armored Division, 1st Brigade was rushed to assist the 7th Engineer Battalion, 10th Mountain, which are struggling in getting the armored convoy to the front lines. Both units are trying to build a makeshift road to Marais so vehicles can drive there.
Because of how bad the terrain is, Colonel Henry Camble was forced to only use light vehicles and infantry to lay siege to Marais. Forced to only use mortars, they began a three day, using RQ-11 Raven and MQ-9 Reaper UAV's as spotters. Once the city defenses were destroyed, the Infantry, supported by heavily armed HUMVEEs, and Light Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.
Once the city defenses were destroyed by the 19th Imperial Legion, three thousand Imperial Soldiers. For the past two weeks both the 10th Mountain and the 19th Legion have been battling throughout the region.
The goal is not to level the city but use it has a forward operation base to push north towards Sadera. This is part of a broader campaign to cut the Empire into multiple pieces and from its primary economic source, agriculture.
With a population of fifteen thousand, 1st battalion from the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division of the National Guard will take over the occupation of the city and surrounding area.
Colonel Camble has stated that he is forced to pause Operation Roundball for three days until road condition improve enough for the Stryker's, Bradley's, and Abrams arrive so they could make a push north. In the meantime, 3rd Infantry Brigade will be securing the outer area." – Free Alnus News
--- The Greater Elies Region, Fortress Legrath, Prison Dungeon ---
August 17th, 2025
Tuka is currently sitting on the floor. In front of her are two other elves. This is one of dozens of cells in this dungeon, all full of her people. The Empire Legions have all rounded up a few weeks ago and taken here. Since then, though, they have been left alone.
She is missing her father; he is somewhere in the dungeon.
Looking up she sees one of her elves. She looks very depressed like everyone else seems to be. Nothing has gone as planned. They all thought Elias would have been a great place to rebuild her people's village.
"It is going to be ok. We will find a way out of here," Tuka said to her comrade.
That elf looks over. "Tuka... you are always so positive. But look around, we are in a cell of this hellhole. Eight years to this. It is over."
She takes a breath and thinks about that.
It has been a long time. All her people struggle must just end up like this.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...